
The story continues

by 80sRich
Storyline Amazing Woman: The Legend Begins
Characters Amazing Woman
Previous Chapter The story continues

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Detective Doris Major sat at her desk staring at her phone. What was taking the guys downstairs to long. Her pulse was still racing fast, this was the closest they'd got to the new masked vigilantee that people were calling Amazing. To the young detective there was nothing Amazing about this woman, well apart from the fact she seemed to have convinced half of the force that she was one of the good guys. Well it hadn't worked on her. She wondered if the CSI guys downstairs were taking their time on identifying the Vigilantes associate deliberately.

Making up her mind the Detective got up from her desk and headed down to the CSI basement in order to kick some serious ass.


"Ok, what have you got for me?" Jason Lance snapped into his phone high in Enterprise Towers.

"She's struck twice tonight so far, only one of those was linked to us and the Police might have a lead on her for once." the slightly nervous voice replied.

"What targets did she hit, is there any pattern?" he barked.

"No pattern at all, she beat up on a couple of independents doing a jewel heist, and then beat up on one of our dealing crews. They were very low level dealers and they didn't know enough to give up any valuable information. Word is that she only questioned the one white kid she obviously assumed that the black kids didn't know anything, her mistake to our benefit."

"Ok, before you tell me what information the Police have I want you to go and speak to all of our people who've been up against this Woman. Let's find out how she fights and what her weaknesses are. Got that? Ok what have the cops got?"

"She was seen getting into her vehicle with a man who has been identified as Brett Jenkin's. He is a twenty year old currently living on the streets. We're trying to get all the information we can on him so we can find out what his link to her is, we're also working on getting our hands on him."

"Excellent, keep me informed." Jason said and hung up the call.

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