
Where did Joker take Lady Gaga, and what does he want with her?

by q
Storyline Perfect Targets
Characters Joker Harley Quinn
Category DC Celebrities
Previous Chapter Joker makes his grand debut, with a smile.

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Lady Gaga's head was pounding, and not from a busy night of hard partying. She groaned, with her legs a little bit wobbly when she stood, bracing herself at the sight of some ghastly white-faced and long blonde haired clown staring her down in a checkered see-through catsuit complete with zany clown collar until she realized...

"Oh. That's me."

With black eyeliner and eyeshadow, and blush on her cheeks, she wobbled over to the mirror and touched it, then gasped when it turned perfectly to show her some bizarre jester girl raspberrying her. She quickly covered her ears when some very loud audio feedback bounced off the bare concrete block walls.

"The contestants are awake! Ha ha HA!" cackled the Joker. "Time for our first episode of Gotham Underworld Idol, with your judges Robin the Boy Blunder, Batgirl the Batbrat, and your very own Clown Prince of Crime. One lucky loser tonight will get to be the butt of my jokes, and the rest... go the way of all bad jokes. Let's meet our contestants! Ladies?"

As a wall dropped in front of her, Lady Gaga squinted to get acquainted with the bright spotlights, stepping toward them. She made out shadowy, silhouetted shapes, getting sharper all the while. They came into focus, a bit of light revealing a boy in a domino mask, a young red-haired girl in a cape and bat cowl, and the rictus grinning madman she'd been warned about so many times when preparing her trip to Gotham.

"First, we have a woman clownish enough to give me a run for my money, the one and only Lady Gaga!"

"Well, I do dress to impress," she snarkily shot back.

"Next, we have the zany kiddo I raised with my own two hands, Harley Quinn!"

"I'm a shoe-in, Mistah J!"

And on, it went, as Lady Gaga heard her fellow "contestants": Katy Perry, Batwoman, and Ellen Yin. But what kind of nefarious scheme did this man have in mind?

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