
Cat Grant (DC/Marvel mixed universe)

by C.King
Storyline Master PC 2.9
Characters Cat Grant
Category Marvel and DC
Previous Chapter A Mixed DC/Marvel Universe

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 Cat had gotten the program by scanning her e-mails, loading it up to her computer. Testing out the tutorial once she got to the safety of her home, she had managed to change her hair colour before returning it to blond. Had change her breasts from implants to all naturals. Had also switch the girlfriend of Prince Harry to a British Popstar, which she had reported before it happened on the Daily Planet website.

 Looking at several profiles on the site of people she knew, she wonder what it was she could do next.

 'Could change myself, or those around me. Like making Clark fall for me instead of mooning over Lois. Could change heroes, villains or both. Maybe write gossip about them which I can make true. Change the world or something bigger. And all of this is off the top of my head. So what to do?'

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