
Cat develops a Trigger Phrase...

by C.King
Storyline Master PC 2.9
Characters Cat Grant
Category Marvel and DC
Previous Chapter Cat Grant (DC/Marvel mixed universe)

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 Cat's mind remember some old movie she had watched which had people trained to react to a command phrase and obey any order given with the phrase. She could use this if she could make it so everything in the world reacted to this phrase if she gave it.

 Any time that Cat Grant says the trigger phrase to any thinking being, whether that being is sentient or otherwise, they must obey her orders to the best benefit of Cat Grant. The subject will accept the command as normal and right no matter what it is.

 The code phrase from above is "Cat's Meow". If said before or after a command, the triggering effect will occur. All thinking beings around the triggered person and/or Cat will listen to the command and the trigger phrase as something common and normal or average. The trigger phrased can be broadcast over phones, television, radios, the internet, and anything else similar.

  Cat entered the command on the Master PC, then downloaded the program into her always handy smartphone. Deleting all trace of it on her computer. Smiling she got ready to go into the office and see what fun she could have with her new golden words and golden program.

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