
Rise of the Hornet Queen!

by Regigigas Rules
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Characters Wasp
Category Mind Control Marvel Corruption
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Ch. 1

The Avengers had just finished fighting off the titan Thanos. But they could not celebrate in their success, as the battle had cost them the life of Iron Man.

(At Avengers Mansion)

Janet van Dyne a.k.a. the Wasp, was called into the meeting room by JARVIS, the mansion's A.I.

"I'm here Jarvis. What is is it."

"AH, Ms. Van Dyne. Glad to see you have come here so quickly. Mr.Stark had left me a message he wanted me to give you in case he were to ever die."

"What is it?"

He asked me to tell you that he wanted you to leave the team."


"Wait, let me finish. He said he wants you to leave, because he wanted to start a new branch of Avengers, and wanted you to be it's leader."


"He told me that if he were to die in battle, to put Captain America in charge, you were one of the original Avengers, and he wanted you to have your own team as well."

"Who's my team?"

"Well, I was instructed to tell you that he wanted you to select a team. He also gave me directions for a base for you."

Jarvis gave Janet a map to the HQ she had been given. She arrived and found a hatch on the ground. She went in and saw it was a perfect underground replica of Avengers Mansion.

She looked around and eventually explored the lab. There she noticed some of it was based on Skrull tech, from ships from the secret invasion. When she turned around, she accidentally pocked her arm against a needle containing the DNA of various heroes and heroines, that was being used to make Super Skrulls. She felt it inject her, expecting it to kill her.

Wasp could feel the injection start to work. However to her surprise, it was not a poison, nor anything deadly. In fact it's effects on her were good. Her brain became infused with the combined intelligence of her ex-lover Hank Pym, as well as Charles Xaviar, and Reed Richards. This gave her an I.Q. that now surpassed all of them, and that was not all the injection did to her. It caused her powers to enhance. It enabled her to use a new variations of her stingers, one that could brainwash it's target.

She thought that this was a good thing. She realized that she might actually be tough now, and thought no negative effects would come from it.

However only after a few minutes the power, and intellect she now had, started to get to her, as she realized she could create her own army, and take over the world.

"WAIT! What am I thinking! I am a heroine, not a villainess. I fight against evil. But it has been proven that evil is more fun." She said, thinking back on her career as a heroine, and then she remembered something that caused her to get angry. "Plus, I have NEVER gotten any respect! Only a few citizens, and VERY few of my fellow supers have even acknowledged my existence. Everyone of them calling me weak, and 'not worthy of being an Avenger', saying Jean a million times better than me, and right to my face!" She thought back on all this, and made up her mind.

"Fine if they don't think I am a good heroine, I WILL become a villainess. I shall form my own team. No! My own hive, of heroines turned into my obedient slaves, they shall take over the world for me, and everyone shall worship me."

She then thinks of everything she could now do, and released her first, of many, evil laughs, at the very thought of using her new brain washing stingers, to turn everyone's beloved Jean Grey into a prostitute. She stood up, enjoying the feeling of a maniacal laugh, and looked out at the world grinning evilly, and happy about her choice to switch sides.

"You all thought I was a worthless heroine? Fine, so be it! Gone is the heroine once known as the Wasp. She is now DEAD! All that remains is the villainess known as 'Hornet Queen'!"

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