
Chapter 2: Jubilee joins Wasp's hive.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Characters Wasp Jubilee
Category Marvel Corruption Transformation
Previous Chapter Rise of the Hornet Queen!

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Jubilee rollerbladed out of the supermarket and headed towards the mansion, her magazine tucked under an arm. Her ipod was playing her music loud enough that she didn't hear even the faintest buzzing.

She decided to take a shortcut through an alley and was continuing to skate, humming along to Lady Gaga, when she noticed a shadow fall over her.

"You are lucky, Jubilee," Hornet Queen buzzed, leading a swarm of obedient insects. "You have been chosen to be my first."

"Yeah?" Jubilee snarled, her hands crackling with energy. "You think you can- uhhhh...."

She staggered back as Hornet Queen struck like a cobra, driving her stinger into her side.

"I'll show them all," Hornet Queen sneered. "Especially those bitches Jean Grey and Susan Richards! They think they're so great! You'll help me, Jubilee!"

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