
Zee-Zee Enforces Her Superiority

by clifford.cao
Storyline Harley's Heroine Heist
Characters Power Girl Harley Quinn Zatanna Black Canary Huntress
Previous Chapter Power Corrupts Helena's Heart

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Solddate - Sorry I took so long to get back to you. Everything's cool, as long as we get to the costumes sometime down the road, 'kay? In the meantime, I'll keep this gravy train a-rolling.

To show my appreciation for the last chapter, let's have a wacky opening sequence, narrated by none other than the J-Man himself!

Joker: Last time, on Harley's Heroine Heist... Black Canary and her pal Huntress confront a terrible new twist!

Black Canary: Huntress... I'm pregnant... and I think that Harley's the father...

Huntress: What?! You little skank! I was supposed to bear her first child!

She begins to strangle Black Canary, Homer-Simpson style.

Joker: Meanwhile, an attempt by Zee-Zee to teach Harley magic goes terribly wrong, as our favorite homicidal blond harlequin's first attempt at a ritual summons the most terrible evil known to man... a horde of Twilight fans!

Zee-Zee and Harley are backed against a wall, looking terrified as a huge, blank-eyed mob steps closer, chanting "join us" over and over again.

Joker: With the rest of the family in such turmoil, can the plucky and ever-understanding Power Girl pull everything together in time?

Power Girl is floating atop DC headquarters, holding a man by the collar.

Power Girl: What do you mean, I can't have my boob window in the New 52?!

Joker: Guess not. Anyhoo, none of this and more on today's episode of Harley's Heroine Heist!

"That's enough."

The voice was strong and full of authority, enough to make Power Girl freeze for a moment. But it wasn't Harley's.

It took Dinah and Karen a few more seconds to process who the voice did belong to. And that was all that the owner of the voice needed.

"Gag Hanid!"

A ball-gag suddenly appeared in Dinah's mouth, much to both her and Karen's shock. Karen's grip loosened, and her captive fell to the floor, bottom-first.

"Etades Nerak!"

Power Girl opened her mouth to say something, but before she could get a single word out, a red dart suddenly struck her in the neck. Instantly, the Kryptonian felt her eyelids drooping, her train of thought becoming sluggish.

"That's enough horseplay, you two," Zee-Zee growled, poofing away the blowgun in her hand as she did so. Harley was lying at her feet, still unconscious, while Helena was still hunched over her, fretting. "Mistress is our first priority. We can worry about punishments later."

Power Girl's eyes narrowed. Who was this little twit, to defy her and tell her what was best for Mistress Harley? So what if she was... Mistress' first concubine... and probably the one she loved the most...

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