
Erica and Charlie remember what's been changed...

by Anzaleth
Storyline TG universe
Characters Avengers X-Men
Category Marvel Gender Switch Mind Control Transformation
Previous Chapter Magneta drags Madame X with her onto stage. The show must go on!

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~Professor! Where are you?~

Erica and Charlie squealed as the voice passed through them, giving both of the drag queens an intense headache.

~Professor, you're needed!~

Charlie glanced at his lover and showbiz partner. Charlie remembered now, that he was a superhero and teacher, helping to protect mutants and help regular people. That was so -- tedious!

He'd always been unhappy as Charles Xavier, never able to have fun. Now Charlie's life revolved around the "three s's": style, singing, and, of course, sex.


Should he answer or hope she goes away. Charlie felt a certain responsibility for Jean, but also felt that prude wouldn't approve of what his wonderful life had become.

* * *

"May I introduce my lovely 'sister' Petra? You knew her as Quicksilver."

"Ah do declare, what an adorable gal," Clara said as Petra curtsied.

Robert licked his lips, Petra sure had a sweet ass and a real cute face.

"Sit by me, Petra dear," Wanda said. She tapped her nails against the arm-rest. "Clara, where's that maid of yours with the rest of the food?"

Then the doorbell rang.

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