
The first Domino.

by Gorel
Storyline Kaiju-stice League
Characters Justice League
Category DC
Previous Chapter This is the starting chapter

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Standing in an intricately designed sigil spanning meters in every direction in the heart of Metropolis park Klarion the Witch Boy smiled, giggling to himself as he poured chaotic magics into a small statue in his hand. The small onyx carved thing looked like a five headed serpent or dragon coiled up like a rattlesnake poised to strike.


Hush Teekl, REAL fun takes time to set up, haven't you played with dominos before?" Klarions actions were hardly subtle the energy he leeched to pour into the tiny statue could be seen all over the city, like a red angry lightning bolt striking the same place every second. Obviously everyone who witnessed it ran for their lives, leaving the child sorcerer all alone to his own devices.

"That's enough Klarion, give yourself up now!"

Turning to look over his shoulder with a mock frown Klarion found himself surrounded, the Justice League had arrived and had him surrounded. Superman, Power Girl, Wonder Woman  and Aquaman stood at four spots all around the sigil, while Green Lantern created a bubble around the boy with the Flash running circles around the sigil to avoid escape. Outside Vixen and Batman held guard just in case.

"There's nowhere for you to run you little brat just come quietly!" Declared Power Girl, her eyes glowing red as she raised her fists to fight.

Klarion huffed in annoyance as he looked around the apparent prison they had all made for him, his cat curled at his feet as he went on with his task without a care in the world. "Oh good I have a new audience, the last one ran off in a mad panic." Suddenly the red lightning stopped, the place quiet save for the hum of Flash's running and the green light construct keeping the boy where he was.

"Well shows over anyway, come Teekl time to head back home." With a snap of his fingers the green bubble was shattered like glass as a violently churning portal tore open in front of Klarion, picking up his cat familiar he looked to the League and smirked, tossing the stature at Superman before escaping.

"What in the name of..." As soon as he caught the little thing it exploded into a cloud of black fog, spanning out far enough to envelop the League as they coughed and hacked. As soon as the smoke cleared Flash had gotten up and tried to clear the smoke away, spinning fast enough to create a vacuum to remove the onyx dust from the air. "What the hell was that?" Wheezed Aquman, waving a wand in front of him. "I don't know but whatever it is its gone and so is Klarion."

In limbo the boy witch stepped into his home realm and laughed, his cat dropping to the ground as the two walked off. "The first domino..."

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