
The Story continues.

by noname002j
Storyline Amazing Woman vs. Wonderboy
Previous Chapter The story continues

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Amazing Woman returned to her secret SWORD base. She noticed that all the lights were dimmed as she entered. She looked around for her sidekick Jenny.

‘She must still me following up leads that bogus Wonderboy assignment I gave her to keep her out of my hair,’ thought Martha as she file she got from Jason on a table and sat down at the main chair facing what Jenny had already dubbed, ‘The Amazing Computer.’

‘I really shouldn’t let Jenny name any more things,’ thought Martha.

Suddenly a pair of metallic computerized shackles sprung out and wrapped around her wrists and ankles and then jolted her body with volts of electricity that caused her muscles to seize. Martha lost consciousness briefly and when she awoke her partner was standing over her.

“I’m sorry Martha, I can’t ignore the evidence that’s mounting against you,” said Pink Maiden. “I believed you in when no else did, I defended you against Optic, but when began shutting me out, I decided to follow you tonight, then I saw you with your lover… Jason Lance!”

“Jenny, please I can explain,” started Martha.

“I bet you could, lair,” said Jenny.

“Jason was blackmailing me, he somehow learned of my true identity, he’s got a mole inside SWORD,” said Martha, “He made me go a date with him the night that Ginger was attacked, that kiss you saw was the price he offered for information that now sits on that table.”

Jenny looked at the table and the files and scuffed, “Lair! You must think I’m rather stupid. If he really was blackmailing you, you were obligated to go to SWORD first.”

“That would have tipped off the mole, put Jasmine in danger,” said Martha.

“How convenient,” said Pink Maiden folding her arms, “Regardless, you’ve betrayed me, you betrayed SWORD, you betrayed your country. If Captain Justice was here, I’m sure he’d…”

“Jenny, I’m sure that I would tell you to shut up!” shouted the voice of a rather unhappy man stepping out of the shadows.

Jenny’s eyes widened, her jaw dropped.

Matthew Morrison aka Captain Justice walked over to the Amazing Computer pressed a few keys and the restraints holding Martha soon unlocked her wrists and ankles.

The legendary superhero who was an older man- who’s looked to be in his 60's turned his head and shot the young sidekick in training retreating to the corner of the room.

“I tried to warn you, but you must have switched off your communicator again,” said Captain Justice to Martha. “Optic is putting together an extraction team to take you down. She’s following SWORD protocol to the letter, but fortunately I eavesdropped on Pink’s first message with Optic and conveniently asked Power Angel and Galaxy Man to do a routine patrol of Sector 11 in the Tathon Galaxy. With the big guns off planet she’s left to assemble extraction consisting of none powered SWORD soldiers, but still they’re the best of the best. I can tie up for a about 48 hours before Optic gets suspicious. That’s all the time we might have to clear your name.”

“Wait… you’re on her side,” asked Jenny.

“Didn’t I tell you to shut up,” asked Captain Justice.

“Sorry… Shutting up, Sir,” said Jenny.

“Any luck finding the mole,” asked Captain Justice.

“No,” said Martha, “Jason is still holding the cards and making me dance.” Martha then picked up the files and handed then to the Captain. “He either really wants to bed me or wants me for something down the road, he offered this to me.”

“Damn it, these are the originals,” grumbled Captain Justice. “Not even Optic has this level of clearance.”

“Jason says Mimic is alive,” Amazing Woman went on, “He says that she works as an assassin for Tony ‘the Fatman.’ I was about to ask him a few questions before things went to heck here. By the way how did you get here so fast from SWORD HQ after learning about Optic?”

“I took the experimental Quantum Jet 4-7 for an unscheduled test drive,” said Captain Justice. He then turned and faced Jenny, “When Jason Lance presented Amazing Woman with blackmail, she came directly to me first. With a mole inside SWORD, none of our secrets would be safe, not knowing whom to trust there would be no way to protect Martha’s sister or her identity even under witness protection. What Martha is willing to sacrifice and endure at the hands of this bastard to protect her sister and our origination makes her a credit to this country. If you any further doubts about her, then Jenny feel free to turn in your uniform at any time. Until we find out who’s the mole, everything you’ve just heard in this room is top-secret… understand?!”

“Yes sir…” trembled Jenny.


“And that’s all you need you to do to switch input channels,” explained Timothy cheerfully as he pointed the remote control at the television.

“Thanks Timmy,” said Ginger in a ….. voice, “I’m pretty helpless when it comes to understanding gizmos.”

“Well.. They sometimes look more complex sometimes then they actually are,” said Tim. “Guess I better get back to bed then. Enjoy your movie.”

“What’s your hurry,” asked Ginger as sat down on the loveseat and patted the cushion beside her. “You said you couldn’t sleep, besides some movies are more fun if you have someone to share it with.”

Timothy gulped feeling his erection again in his jeans. Thank God, he wasn’t wearing his Wonderboy costume now or Ginger would really have a sight to see. He remembered about the questions he wanted to ask and sheepishly gave in and sat down next to her.

“I promise I won’t bite,” said Ginger as she ran a finger playfully through Tim’s hair. “These police guards are no fun, they just patrol yards and only briefly check up on me now and then. Your mother is at her job and I really have no one to talk to except you. I start to feel like a prisoner when I’m alone. I hope I didn’t intimidate you earlier.”  

“Maybe I’m just a little confused,” said Timothy, “I mean the way you were threatened by Amazing Woman, I’m  afraid I should be carefully walking around eggshells. Yet you do seem very relaxed.”

“Maybe it’s my  way of coping with it,” said Ginger, “I’m an actress you know. I know how to hide my emotions, but when I am alone.. I get very afraid. I see her jumping out of the shadows to try and finish the job.”

“Why did she attack you,” asked Timothy. “Did she say anything?”

“No, but I guess it was because I had one-nighter with that Jason Lance,” said Ginger. “Maybe she wanted to send him a message. I dunno.. I just hope I never have to see her again.”

“She won’t find you here,” promised Timothy. “And if she does.. she’ll have to go through me.”

“So your protector after all,” smiled Ginger leaning closer and kissing Timothy on the forehead cuasing him to blush.

“It’s a shame I never dated a boy like you when I was your age,” said Ginger, “I was robbed of that.”

“What do you mean,” asked Timothy.

“I.. Umm.. Because I’m a celebrity,” Ginger tried to explain. “I’m not like other girls, Timmy. People look at me and never see the real me, in fact I don’t what the real me is anymore. Ummm… Celebrities are like full time imposters, people like me have to wear… well masks, masks for the roles we play on tv, masks for the press, masks for our fans, masks for people in our social life, there’s even a mask for my love life. My marriage wasn’t for love, more like a good business arrangement. Even my affairs were just for show, just to keep people interested in me and to watch my reality show. I.. I’m having to pretend I’m something I’m not… and now I fear I may not even be real at times.”

Timothy looked at her a moment, “When I heard you were coming to stay for a few days, I was afraid you might be this diva-zilla that would try and take over the place with wild over the top demands. But all I’ve seen so far is that you’re no different than any girl, we all wear some type of mask now and then and right now you seem pretty real to me.”

“Thanks… but I’ve never shown anyone this side of me before,” said Ginger. “Sorry for unloading all that on you. People don’t like to associate me with the wholesome girl next door.”

“Screw them, don’t listen to people who judge you, they’re only going by the appearance of a mask… and that’s not you.”

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” said Ginger, “Mind if you a question?”

“Sure, what?”

“What mask do you wear,” Ginger asked with a friendly smile on her face. “You seem a sad at times.”

“I… uhhh… my girlfriend recently broke with me,”: he said, “I miss her… but she moved away.”

“I’m sorry,” Ginger said sweetly, she placed her hand overtop of his, which rested on his knee.

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