
The Uglifier

by DeMonic
Storyline Marvel Hags & Trolls
Characters Valerie Richards
Previous Chapter The Beautifier

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Looking back at her was a troglodyte.

Her brow ridge jutted aggressively, highlighted further by a thick, shaggy black uni-brow;  combined with her now pronounced, almost ragged cheekbones this put her muddy brown, piggish eyes in almost constant shadow turning them into dark pits in her face.

Her nose was large, bulbous and hooked with flared nostrils; worse it wasn’t centred correctly in the middle of her face, and was slightly twisted as if it had been broken and set badly. Her cheeks were doughy, and a large mole, tufts of wiry black hair sticking out of it, sat low on her left; a noticeable wart sat on her right temple, and a pronounced overbite of yellowing, crooked teeth pushed its way clear of her thick, frog like lips overhanging her weak lower jaw. Capping the whole mess was a rat’s nest of coal black hair, which stood out in random knots no matter what she did.

The beginnings of a double chin flowed into a thick neck which in turn lead down to a body that was essentially just a sack of sagging fat mixed with hard ugly muscle; hefty shoulders went down to thick set arms, and her formally dainty, artistic hands had swollen into blunt, thick knuckled paws. A prominent, sagging gut pushed it way both out from under the t-shirt she’d gone to sleep in and over the waist band of her panties; panties already straining at their limit to contain globular, jiggling ass cheeks, which in turn sat atop, chunky thickset legs. Worse than that however, despite being years away from even the first stirring of puberty, was the body hair; an obvious covering of dark hair covered both her lower arms and her legs, a prominent treasure trail lead down from her deep cleft belly button, to a thick mat of pubic hair, while hair ran up from her ass crack, along her spine, neck and into her hair line. Coarse tufts of it sat in her armpits and a few wiry black hairs even circled her nipples.

Val’s contemplation of her “looks” was interrupted by a rumble from her expanded stomach; ruefully placing her hand on her belly, she pressed her paw into its doughy expanse as if to hold it back. Quite against her will, along with everything else she’d found herself press-ganged onto the wrong side of the child obesity epidemic that was always being mentioned on the news.

Valeria had to admit she’d always been slightly contemptuous of the issue; parents should have better control of their kids, and children, even small ones had no excuse to be so self-destructively greedy...but now she was seeing things from the other side and was heartily ashamed, and even slightly angry, at her former attitude. Her new body’s gluttonous appetite seemed almost endless, and it seemed to crave everything bad for it; all fat, grease and sugar, as the pile of chocolate bar wrappers and crisp packets (all contraband that she’d had to sneak into the building) laying next to her bed, remnants of snack binges scattered haphazardly throughout the night, could attest.

Of course sugar and fat weren’t the only thing she craved...there was also the nicotine; specifically she was hooked on cigarettes. After rescuing her, a quick bio-scan had revealed part of the cause of her agitation to her Farther, who had shamefacedly slipped her a pack of nicotine patches to control the craving; but that had proven insufficient and yesterday she managed to get her hands on a pack of cigarettes and take them to a blind spot in the building surveillance. That first draw, which she seemed to instinctively know how to do, had been an almost religious experience; once again nicotine addiction had been something she’d been almost contemptuous of before, only an idiot would smoke with all the health risks after all and quitting was just a matter of a little will power...but now she knew, no amount of will power was going to get her to quite her wonderful little coffin nails; the pack was safely hidden, and she had an appointment with it after breakfast.

Speaking of which, Val turned from the mirror and headed to her bathroom (pausing only long enough to clear up the evidence of her “Midnight Snack”) to clean up...

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