
Ra’s “Ra-Ra” al Ghul gets into a spirited argument with her daughters,

by Anzaleth
Storyline Literal Jailbait
Characters Absolutely Everyone
Category Marvel and DC Gender Switch
Previous Chapter Lois and Calli make-out

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"Oh gawd, you sluts!"

Ra's "Ra-Ra" al Ghul stood with her hands on her hips, glowering at her three "daughters." Dusan "Dusty" al Ghul, Nyssa "Nina" Raatko, and Talia "Tina" al Ghul were all cooing over Ubu. Ra's former servant had become a tall, muscular teenage girl -- still bald. The sort of handsome, buff bulldyke that girly-girls could really coo over.

Ra-Ra al Ghul stamped her foot. "Ubu is totally MY girlfriend! You'll just have to find your own!" 

* * *

"Hey, who's the twerp!"

Lola squeaked and turned towards the voice.

Princess Diana was there, hands on hips, flanked by the former Power Girl and Wonder Girl.

"You better do what I say, new girl, 'cause I'm the princess!" Diana announced.

* * *

"Ooooo, Lois!" Calli squealed as she leaned over and felt the cock start to slid between her butt cheeks. "Oooo, Lois! You're so -- uhhhhh -- so -- ooooooo!"

"Ride 'em Smallville!" Lois chuckled as she grabbed Calli's black curls, pulling on them like reigns as she rode the former Superman's ass. 

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