
Kitty escapes and runs back to the X-Mansion, planning her next man to get.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Shrinking Blob
Characters Mystique Scarlet Witch Shadowcat
Category Marvel Female Dom Growth Mind Control
Previous Chapter Mystique finds Shadowcat nailing her boytoy Fred Dukes.

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A huge blue fist shot towards Kitty, but with a giggle she sunk into the floor.


"GAAAHHHH! Come back here, you little brat!" Big Blue howled with rage, that some slut would play with HER property.

Emma Frost listened-in close-by. The idea of Kitty taking all that power and not her -- it didn't seem right. Power should belong to her.

* * *

"So what do you think, Pietro?" Wanda giggled as she arched her back and took another puff of her cigar. "Doesn't Sis look great?"

"I don't know, Wanda," he said. "It seems to--"

"Awwww, you jealous?" Wanda tickled Pietro's chin. "Don't like that you look like my baby brother next to me?"

* * *

Kat Pryde, Shadow Lioness, swam through the ground as she headed back to the mansion. She was big, so fucking big, with big tits and big muscles. It was fucking awesome!

God, she was so horny. She needed a guy! A guy she could impress with her new power. Piotr or Logan?

Kat snickered. How to choose?

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