
Mighty Maid's minions convert the bank and they take the money

by wfx
Storyline Wonder Woman with a Flip
Previous Chapter It's Supergirl and Mary Marvel

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The former Supergirl in her tight spandex girl scout uniform squirmed back into Mighty Maid's chest. She was eager, always eager, but especially now in the midst of the bank. The police had held back once she and Mary Marvel had arrived in order to stop the robbery. They'd not come charging in for minutes still. It meant that all of these potential victims with their dirty minds were trapped and while the money was being gathered, they were a captive audience. "Let me do it, Madam, please, please!" She shifted back and forth at enhanced speed overeager. "I want my crowd control badge!"

"Non, non." Mighty Maid tutted, enjoying the palpable eagerness of her obedient pigtailed minion who was far too old for her new role. "Zhey should listen to zheir nanny, I zink." Her french accent was absolutely ridiculous. 

The former Mary Marvel, now in the rubber Mary Poppins costume, squeaked as she walked back and forth in front of the terrified and confused crowd. She understood her new place in life completely. When Nanny Contrary spoke, it was haughty and prim, proper but with an extremely repressed undertone. She was wound tighter than tight and her voice dripped with it. It was also in the form of a lovely melody. 

"When you look upon this buxom Maid
You find your last hand completely played.
Options are none, your will's undone.
Our mistress has won, but it's oh so much fun,
for your minds are bare,
as you gawk and stare
at her beauty.
Obedience is bliss, and your old lives you shan't miss,
for serving her is your duty."

And as she sung, a change came over the crowd, both their minds but their bodies as well. Mighty Maid, ever the French tart, brought her duster to her mouth and laughed in amusement watching the first of her new followers come into being.

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