
Rita approaches Gamora and She-Hulk with a suggestion.

by Anzaleth
Storyline Wedding of the century
Characters She-Hulk Invisible Woman
Category Marvel Mind Control
Previous Chapter On their way to their tryst, they bump into someone oddly familiar, who introduces themself as "Rita".

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Though as much as Rita knew Madame and Moondragon liked the effeminate, she also knew that the two lovely women had an appreciation for female strength and power. Like what She-Hulk had, like Gamorra could have.

"You look like such a cute couple!" Rita cooed.

The two green women nodded, still ogling Rita's beauty.

"But it's a shame Gamorra is so much shorter. Wouldn't it be better for making out if you two were the same size, two gorgeous slabs of muscle? Especially with all that hair gone. Both of you totally bald, as if you were ra pair of powerful statues carved from jade or emerald. Moving statues of power and sex.

Gamorra bit her lips. That sounded so hot. She wanted to big and bald! And stroking She-Hulk's bald head.

* * *

Madame Malice MacEvil sneered as Johnny cooed over all their attention. What a little bimbo! His transformation into her simpering maid was long overdue! He was luck he was family -- otherwise she might have been cruel with him.

Now, what to do about the Thing? 

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