
Meanwhile with Ralph.

by CJ
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Characters Invisible Woman
Category Corruption Marvel Mind Control
Previous Chapter Follow Sue and Janet.

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Meanwhile Ralph, replaying the video of the party could not believe his luck. When he had seen the Wasp on the monitors earlier he had been happy. Just the thought of adding her along with Susan Richards was enough to get him hard. And the sight of her swinging that phenomenal ass around had kept him hard all night. He'd ordered Mandy to drug her as well as Sue even though he didn't really have any plans worked out for her. He thought of blackmailing her, but that was a last resort as it would hurt the trusted friend image he had constructed with Sue if she found out and also had a high chance of backfiring. He decided the first thing would be to get Sue to admit to her presence at the party and who she was. Then he would work from there trying to get her to join Sue in her new career.

Ralph luck continued to work for him in that the next morning he fielded a call from Sue. She admitted right off the bat to having encountered a friend at the party, which by itself would have made Ralph's day, but then she went on to state the friend was interested in joining in the jobs Ralph arranged for Suzanne. Soaring high from the victory that landed in his lap with no effort Ralph decides to push things just a little and requested an interview with Suzanne's friend and asked what her name was, curious if Sue would tell him the truth.

Sue replied back that she would use the stage name 'Janice' and she would do full introductions at the interview. Ralph made sure she knew what would be required of the interview, the standard meet and greet with talks of past employment and such but also Janice would have to dance 3 sets and one of them would have to be a lap dance. Sue spoke to someone and then said that Janice agrees, she then thanked Ralph for this opportunity for her friend before saying her goodbyes.

Ralph turned back to reading his morning paper with the feeling that it was going to be a great day. He idly considered and then decided that it was time to move to the next phase of his plan. He was going to use subliminals to further corrupt Susan Richards and now Janet van Dyne. He knew plenty of villains used mind control without effect in the past, but he knew the reason for that was the methods they used were like a sledgehammer intended to give maximum results quickly. But the human mind was quite maleable like rubber and when you hit rubber with a sledge sure it deformed but once the pressure was off it went back to the natural shape. No, the way to reshape a mind was the same way as shaping any material. You applied heat to make the mind malleable, in this case the dark passion the ladies were exploring by stripping was the heat and he had cranked it up with the drugs. Then you applied pressure to the malleable material, in this case it was the increasing jobs where they are pressed to go outside their comfort zone more with each job, with additional pressure coming from peer pressure from the other dancers like Mandy and Trixx, but also now from Sue and Janet. Then you have to allow the material to cool, back off the pressure with a quench and let the person realize and accept their new lifestyle which makes them happy and then the new form is set. They have no desire to change things.

Yes, it was time to start the next phase, subliminal messages in the music the ladies danced to would crank up the pressure quite nicely. He would call Suzanne to come pick up some new music for her friends interview performance and also give her some songs for the next job. Maybe a suggestion she should practice with her friend to make sure she was ready for the interview. Though from the tape of the party vanDyne certainly didn't have a problem swinging that terrific ass to the beat of the music.

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