
Siegfried intervenes.

by Aelvir
Storyline Shin Calibur
Characters Aeris (VG Cats) Siegfried Schtauffen
Previous Chapter Aeris chooses a Shining Sword and a Falchion.

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Siegfried intervened between the two of them, by shoving his right hand just two feet in front of Aeris' head.

"Bitte....aufzuhören" Siegfried said.

"Hn?", the action slightly shocked Alainah.

After a good while of intense silence from both parties, Siefried then respoke again.

"*sigh*To tell you the truth...." Siegfried began.

"No..." Aeris muttered lightly in disbelief.
Why would he tell it so quickly?, she thought.

"I found her in a plainsfield a decent while far from this place. And I had saw her being attacked by the Dread Pirate Cervantes, and I helped and brought her here." Siegfried said.

"Thuh- ..The dread pirate..?!" Alainah said, in part-disbelief.

"Yes.., but even though I succeeded, she was gravely wounded."

".., One to her ankle's side, and a namable few others to her face." Siegfried added.

"...my deepest apologies. I had no idea." Alainah said, handing the two weapons back to Siegfried after the payment.

"It is fine." Siegfried replied calmly once again. And they began making their way to the door, as a growing look of concern plastered upon Alainah face, which was long since been out of their view.
"Wait.." Alainah spoke once more, one final time.

"Come here, I almost forgot this." he said.

Alainah handed Aeris a unscathed, clear-headed and new-looking Stiletto.
( http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110612061338/assassinscreed/images/1/1a/AcII-stilleto.png )

"What is...? ..For what..?" she questioned, completely puzzled by the predicament.
"Call a recompense if you will." he replied.

"Please...it's on the house, from me."

She grew silent. "Yes, I...guess so. Th-..thank you," she said as she took it gently and left with Siegfried.

[, ...]

As they left the shop, she was bound once again with the overwhelming incommodiousness of the public area of the town.

"What now? What do we do, uhh this time now?" she asked.
Siegfried had hesitated at first before he spoke back.

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