
Aeris chooses a Shining Sword and a Falchion.

by Aelvir
Storyline Shin Calibur
Characters Aeris (VG Cats) Siegfried Schtauffen
Previous Chapter Yes. They find one.

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After a good while of looking around, Aeris found a beautifully and fancy-lookish sword. It had a copper-gilt crossguard, a fish-tail pommel, horn grip, it looked pretty nice.
( http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/171/5/c/shining_sword_by_aeris114-d69v98z.jpg )

She picked it up and looked around some more and found a not as fancy one but looked much neater. It appeared to be a Falchion. She picked this one up as well.
( http://www.angelfire.com/stars3/dragonsworld/shrine3/weapons/sc2falchion.jpg )

As she walked over, Siegfried noticed her.
"Oh, are you finished?" Siegfried said, as he at last decided that he wanted to take a small weapon, but now immediately dismissed it.

"Ye-..yeah..." she answered briskly.

Siegfried replied with a subtle nod of the head, and then they made their way to the counter.

"Ahh, so finished are we?" the man said, as they had reached the counter.

"So, ...are you Ahleynah?" Aeris said, mispronouncing his name.

"If by that, you mean 'Alainah', then yes. And it is pronounced Ah-la-ee-nah." he corrected.

"So, ...just these two things?" Alainah asked.

"Yes." Siegfried answered.

"Now, tell me, why would a lady of your stature need, let alone want, something like these?" Alainah asked Aeris somewhat solemnly.

As Aeris hesitated to speak momentarily, Alainah reached his right hand forward, towards Aeris' hood.

"..And why the hood?" Alainah added as he reached in her direction.

Aeris reflexively clutched the tip of the top of her head that was above her forehead before cringing in response to Alainah's motioning towards it.

Is her cover blown, or does she run off?

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