
He picks Venus, the Siren.

by C.King
Storyline Master PC 2.9
Characters Spider-Man
Category Transformation Marvel and DC Chimeric Mind Control
Previous Chapter Peter Selects Doctor Octopus

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 Venus was a siren, a soulless nymph, until the Ancient One made her complete with a soul as beautiful as her body. Given the horrors she had caused as a nymph she swore to be mute and joined a nunnery. Till one day she sung with the choir and inspired Lust in the worshipers. She was banished and took to thinking she was the goddess Venus. Which was the name she operated under in the fifties and currently today as a member of the Agents of Atlas.

 This appeared on screen when Peter had selected her for the merging. Then the program merged her with Doctor Octopus and created....


 Cuddlefish was a siren, a soulless nymph, until the Ancient One made her complete with a soul as beautiful as her body. Given the horrors she had caused as a nymph she swore to be mute and joined a nunnery. Till one day she sung with the choir and inspired Lust in the worshipers. During her wandering she took a liking to science and technology, gaining many degrees in it. During the fifties, she worked as a heroine named Venus. In later decades, after 'retiring' as a heroine, she worked as a research scientist in regard to radiation. One of her students was a young Peter Parker who she gained a crush on. An accident while using advance mechanical arms, cause the rig to be fused to her back. Deciding to make the best of a bad situation she became the heroine Cuddlefish, aid to new hero Spider-man.

 Cuddlefish has the following powers: The ability to live indefinitely on land or water, swim at high speeds, survive the deep ocean pressures, has immortality, Siren Song which is the ability to alter emotions with the power of her voice, can alter her form and appearance at will (However she like her appearance as a sexy young woman with large perky breasts, so she only usually changes her eye and hair colours. Currently with Red hair and blue eyes.), and her mechanical tentacles.

 Tentacles have the powers of being telepathically control by Cuddlefish even if separated and at distances record at nine hundred miles, telescoping from their regular size of six feet up to twenty four feet, reaching speed up to nineties miles per hour with the force of a jackhammer, generate fifty miles per hour winds if spun like a fan, the ability to use them for wall-crawling on brick/stone/concrete and traveling on them like stilts with top speed of fifty miles per hour if four of them are used, as well as the sensation of feeling even with no connecting nerve tissue on the arms giving tactile sensations.

 Cuddlefish has perfect the ability to multitask using her artificial and real limbs.

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