
Hornet Queen assigns each of her 'commander' slaves, a few of the other slaves as a team.

by Regigigas Rules
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Previous Chapter Hornet Queen answers her with a kiss

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In the meeting room Hornet Queen met with her 5 favorite slaves. Iron Maiden, Maria Hill, Thordis, Jubilee, and Psylocke.

"I think the hive has enough members for us to proceed with the plan." Janet said. "I might occasionally decide to add a new member, but for now, I think what we have is good. Anyway I wanted you all to meet me here for a reason. I have decided I am going to remain here at the base most of the time. While I am here I want to split up the slaves into teams to accomplish some missions I need done. I need a slave in charge of each team and that is who. So I have split up the slaves into 5 teams. Yellowjacket, will remain here, with me. I will have the slaves, I assign you, from now on also obey your commands. However I still have command of them and my orders will still out rank yours, just in case. I have some things I need each of you and your teams to do for me. Here is who I have assigned to each of you."

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