
Scott summons the rest of the X-Men

by Anzaleth
Storyline The Body-Melding Ray
Characters Beast Cyclops Jean Gray Wolverine
Category Marvel Body Modification Gender Switch
Previous Chapter The melding of Jean Gray and Wolverine

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A short time later, "Jan Logan" (as she called herself) was in the X-Men's infirmary, surrounded by the X-Men.

"What is it, Hank?" Cyclops asked.

"Curious, curious," the Beast said as he stared down at the information. "This being is indeed a synthesis of Jean Gray and Logan. Somehow these two were combined into a single being that -- ah, 'Jan,' please no smoking in the lab."

Jan Logan sighed as she stared at the cigar in her hands.

"Sorry, Hank, but I'm so fucking nervous, y'know," she said.

"I understand," the Beast replied. "Don't worry, we're gonna figure this out."

Jan flexed her hands, and claws of energy extended from her knuckles. They looked rather like Psylocke's psychic knives, but they were thinner and there were three on each hand.

"Yes, even her powers are a synthesis of the two," Beast said. "Psychic claws like Psylocke's own weapons, psychic senses that can track people and sense their emotions, and enhanced healing that is accelerated by her mental energy. Most curious."

Cyclops flinched as he felt Jan squeeze his hand and press her body against him.

This was so strange. This stocky woman obviously was part Jean, but also part Wolverine. She had feelings for him, but he... this was all too bizarre.

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