
Hornet Queen and her hive target Spider-Woman.

by Regigigas Rules
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Characters Wasp Spider-Woman
Previous Chapter Janet thinks she might need to catch a few spiders

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Hornet Queen sent Psylocke, Maria Hill, Elektra, and Black Widow to bring back Spider-Woman, so that Janet could bring her into the hive.

"She should be around this area." Maria said to the others through the telepathic link Psylocke had set up between them.

"I see her!" Psylocke said telepathicly as she spotted Jessica Drew, searching around.

"No doubt looking for tips on where the base of our queen's hive." Widow replied.

"Don't worry this will be easy to bring her in, just distract her." Elektra said.

The others jumped down from the trees the were hiding in, and stood in front of Jessica.

"You!" She said ready to attack.

"Oh, come on, you know how this will end. You will be joining our queen's hive."

"I don't think s..uhhhh." She said as she fell to the ground.

Elektra was standing right behind her. "Ha! Looks like a nerve strike was all it took to knock you out."

They took her back to base, and when she awoke, she had been stripped naked, and was chained to the wall. She was unable to use her powers as well.

"Well, well. Your up." Janet said as she walked in. "Now what to do with you?"

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