
Maria fires the ray at Fury but it doesn't kill him.

by Regigigas Rules
Storyline Hive of the Wasp
Characters Wasp
Previous Chapter Fury confronts the hive

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Maria fired at Nick Fury, and vaporized him.

"Excellent choice Maria." Janet van Dyne said.

"I am sorry for my deception, my queen." Maria replied.

"You did as told, so I will forgive you. However there is no doubt that was just a Life Model Decoy." Janet said.

"Most likely, your highness. If so, Fury likely knows of what has just happened, and is aware of the fact that I have now defected to your 'hive'."

"We should bring in Amora the Enchantress next. I already know where to find her. Plus she could also move our base so the real Fury won't be able to send an army. Now let's go, I want the mighty Amora as my slave, lapping up my honey within the next hour."

She had Scarlet Witch restore Psylocke's old Shadow Telportation powers. Psylocke then teleported the grop to Enchantress' location

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