
Dick looks around the website some more.

by Shendude
Storyline DC Super-Hookers (version 2)
Characters Nightwing
Category DC M/F F/F
Previous Chapter The Beginning

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At a complete loss, Dick decided that he might as well keep browsing the website. He decided to look up Kate Kane, the heroine who operated under the name Batwoman in his own world. Mostly because he wondered what she called herself if the Batwoman name was taken. Heck, was she even heroine? And was she a hooker too?

So, her real name went into the search engine, and lo and behold, there she was. It seemed that she went by Batfemme, and was indeed both heroine and hooker. Her profile listed her as a lesbian, but stated that she'd service men if they paid enough, and/or where on the Freebie list. The profile also mentioned that she was in a relationship with Renee Montoya, the Question, and that they often took clients and did porn pics and videos together. A link to Renee's profile was included, and so Dick checked it out.

As with Kate, she was listed as a lesbian, but straight-for-pay. In addition to mentioning her relationship with Batfemme, she was also noted as having previously been involved with Helena Bertinelli, the Huntress...and again, Dick clicked on the link. He was interested to note that despite Oracle being the elder Gordon, the Birds of Prey still existed, and apparently had a website of their own. Upon clicking on it, the first thing he saw was a logo, and banner ad for "The Birds of Prey/Gotham Sirens Team-Up".

Intrigued, he clicked on that, and made the astonishing discovery that Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, and Catwoman were super-hookers too! He quickly went back to the Whoreiones website, and looked up their profiles, just to be sure. And lo and behold, it seemed that in this reality, the three femme fatales had reformed and come over to the side of law, order, and legalized prostitution. And they weren't the only ones. He began skimming profile after profile, and discovered that practically every female villain (of which there more then in his own world; many villains having been replaced by women, although not to the same degree as the heroes) had done the same. Added to what appeared to be the non-existence of a goodly chunk of the villains he recalled, this had resulted in Arkham Asylum becoming a brothel!

Dick sat back in his chair, utterly flabbergasted, and very horny. He looked down at the time, and realized he'd been browsing the site for hours. After some thought he decided to...

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