
Hannah turns the base into a nest.

by Regret
Storyline Darkness Approaches
Previous Chapter A Hydra team captures Hannah for study

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Hannah leapt across the room, Madame Hydra reacted with lightning reflexes and unsheathed a combat knife and slashed at Hannah. The blow knocked Hannah off course, she landed hard against a lab desk. As she returned to her feet her legs wobbled underneath her.

"Feel that burning? It's a special toxin I made myself. A shame to kill you, but I'm sure my men can get what they need from your corpse." Madame Hydra laughed holding up the knife, it dripped with venom and Hannah's black blood.

Hannah stumbled and the guards in the lab advanced toward her to finish her of. Hannah could feel the burning poison spread through her veins killing the flesh as it traveled toward her heart. She couldn't have explained it, her mind was still lost in a cloud of lust and fury but Hannah could feel the alien side of her taking advantage of the damage done by the poison. It followed behind the venom, regenerating Hannah's insides infesting her to the core. Hannah's entire body bulged and pulsed as if she were to big for her own skin. She threw her head back screaming in agony, the Hydra foot soldiers could see the black veins encroaching around her face, everything below her neck now a solid black mass just under the skin. She swatted at an approaching guard, the bones in her arm lengthening mid swing, her hand ripped open a lengthier clawed hand bursting out from within, tearing the man apart. She spun around punching clean through another goon, and more of her arm broke free, long and spindly like her clawed fingers. The rest of the guards opened fire, the bullets tore through her human skin but seemed to bounce off alien figure underneath. Hannah ripped and tore at her old form freeing herself from it like a cocoon. No longer confined she stood up straight reaching around six and half feet. While still busty her figure slimmed incredibly with sharp joints and some bones visible under the surface. Her muscles however were tighter and more toned than ever. Her back was plated and armored with spikes raising from her spine which now extended down into a long barbed tail. Her feet turned to talons a claw extending down from the back of her foot to give her a natural high heel. Her new skin was jet black and shiny. Only her face remained mostly human. Her lips dripped with a black chemical. Her eyes disappeared under a solid black visor like plate, her head elongated back and upward flattening toward the end. The drastic and sudden change sent everyone in the room scrambling. Now fully changed Hannah easily outpaced the Hydra goons and made short work of them. Madame Hydra fired a few rounds from her pistol, but it was useless. Hannah charged the Hydra leader and pinned her to the wall. With her captors slain and in chaos and her prey withing her grasp, Hannah's fury faded.

"Yes." Hannah' said with a raspy new voice as she admired her prize. "Mate." Hannah hissed and grabbing Madame Hydra chin and forcing her tongue into the woman's mouth. Madame Hydra struggled against Hannah's grip, but something in the woman saliva made her vision fade and slowly black out. Hannah let go of Madame Hydra her body fell limp to the ground. Hannah grinned evilly and set out through the base eliminating anyone who remained inside.

Madame Hydra regained consciousness sometime later, her eyes slowly opened. She was in the control room, the lights were flickering and everything was damaged by some struggle. She tried to call out for help but her mouth couldn't move, She panicked and tried to run but her whole body was restrained. she looked around the room the walls floors and even spots of the ceiling were coated in some creeping organic resin. Her eyes shot open wide, she saw Hannah on the other side of the room, her clawed hands caressing Sarah, who's body was sealed against the wall in the resin. Hannah seamed to be shaping the resin against Sarah's body into an alien figure not unlike her own only softer and more shapely. Even more disturbing her body seemed to shift and change underneath the resin as if it was being grafted to her and sculpted by Hannah.

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