
Tali'Zorah gets the power

by Master_Kind
Storyline A hint of Jasmine
Previous Chapter A Mass Effect universe.

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The lithe, young engineer known as Tali Zorah had fought long and hard alongside the handsome Commander Shepard and begrudgingly had accepted she wouldn't be among his many conquests. He was often rough and brusque but occasionally showed flashes of true heroism that won her heart. She'd wondered many times if he would be tender or fierce in his lovemaking, not sure which she'd like more. Of course, love was the last thing on her mind as they fought against the oncoming monstrosities unleashed by the Reapers.

"Shephard! Behind you!" she yelled, moving her drone to cover his flank.

It was unnecessary, as it turned out as the biotic hero just grunted and tossed wreckage through the Banshee with his mind as it teleported behind him, killing it in one blow. The force of the blow misdirected the Banshee's blast and she ended up pushing two of her compatriots right into the line of fire of Garrus and Grunt, who made short work of them. Tali smiled at Shepard's power, heart fluttering and wishing yet again she could distract him away from that bitch Miranda or that slut Jack . . . when a huge blast of power arced from the sky towards him!

She was the only one close enough to do anything and didn't hesitate for a moment - she lunged with all her strength and shoved Shepard out of the way, getting struck by the strange burst of energy in his his stead.

The remnants of Jasmine saw deep into the young woman's soul and found a kindred spirit, seeking peace, but also freedom.

Freedom from her weakened immune system.

Freedom to show her face and her body without fear.

Freedom to have the love she'd always desired.

Freedom from constant, horrible war.

With a burst of healing light, Tali'Zorah's purple-skinned body exploded through her bio suit, revealing a beauty so magnificent everyone around her fell to their knees . . .

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