
She-Hulk revels in her third pregnancy.

by Gorel
Storyline She-Hulk: Going Native.
Characters She-Hulk
Category Marvel Lactation Pregnancy
Previous Chapter Time pass. The Avengers notice She-Hulk is missing.

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Lounging against a palm tree and rubbing circles over her now rotund womb, She-Hulk basked in the morning sun, letting its heat bake over her. Her tough green skin made it that she couldn’t tan under the sunlight, but then again how could she get any greener? After her little gangbang with her four lovers She-Hulk took to her other appetites after her sex drive was sated, hunger. The moment she had a twinge of hunger she started gorging on the local fruit, even going so far as to nibble on the palm leaves they were attached to. Unlike her last two pregnancies she wanted to enjoy this one, revel in it. The more she ate the larger and healthier her newborns would be, and of course she wanted them VERY healthy.


After her binge she leaned back against the tree and swooned, she felt so free, all of her troubles back on the mainland seemed so far away now. “This place isn’t so bad after all…” She was about to drift off when she felt a pair of mouths bite down on her stiff nipples, making her gasp when they began to tug and suckle at her green milk. Looking down she found her latest children, now looking almost twice their age from yesterday nursing from her massive breasts two at a time while three of her children fought at her feet for their turn.


Arching her back and raising her arms to grip at the tree behind her, she gave them more room, smiling at how brazen they were. Looking down she wondered briefly, turning her attention to her first four children sitting by the fire deeper in the woods, they now looking more like late teenagers. She still hadn’t given them names, and if she were right then in a couple days she’d have to make names for the next litter. Biting her lip, She-Hulk lolled her head at the sensation of giving milk to her children, right now she didn’t care about names. The only name they should know was HERS, she was the mighty savage She-Hulk; mother and chieftess to the green skins. Squirming, her children never knew she was getting moist or that she bucked her hips when her daughter bit down at her turgid nipple. “Hmm, if only you were all grown up, I’d show you how to hunt, how to make fire, how to make MORE hulks…”


Finally sated her five children set off to play in the sand at the beach while their mother stood up and scratched at her naked thigh and rear. After feeding her quints, her belly had swelled even larger, obscuring her feet under the dome of its surface. Giving it a loving caress she waddled towards her other children. Wanting to sit and bask by the fire, something told her they’d be hungry too.

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