
Chiana (Farscape)

by C.King
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Category Television
Previous Chapter Let's not look at universes, but at people...

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Chiana had found the wishing rock and had been using it for months for small things. Items, food, lucky breaks and such. All while making sure no one knew she had the rock. The grey skin, white haired alien was finally thinking of using it in a much larger way.

'Could use it to make sure my people never become the frelling mess they are. But that means I would never escape and get on Moya. Maybe if I can figure out how to get my people into something not so frelled up, I'll make that wish.

So something bigger, but not that big. What is it that I want which is in that range?' she thought as she snuck around, a wish making her practially invisible when she did so. It was then she pass John Crichton, and feelings came boiling up.

'Okay, that is something I want. He doesn't feel anything of the type for me, only for Aeryn. Of course the rock might be able to change that. The most practical thing would be to use it to change people's minds and feelings so I can have John... but then I would be like my people and a hypocrite. I could live with that?

Or I could try something a little less extreme. Make him and Aeryn open to more partners in their relationship, then give myself even better seduction skills. More of a freeing themselves from their limits, not enslaving them with more.

I could wish that they never feel in love, only became close non-sexual friends. Changing time isn't the same as my people do. I would also mean that John would be open to any woman who wants him. Like me.

Maybe I should try something else, like change me or someone or something else.' she sorted through the option she had with the Wishing Rock. Coming to a final result, she wished....

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