
How could the curse have spread out of Gotham so quickly?

by supersizeme198
Storyline Barbra in latex land
Previous Chapter Batman I am teleporting to the Batcave, this is top priority!

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It had been half an hour since Wonder woman had left the Batcave. Batman sat infront of the Batcomputer and monitored the situation. There had been several cases of the mistic virus from Gotham to Coast City.

Batman was having a video confrence with Professor Ray Palmer, the atom, from his lab in Ivy Town and John Henry Irons, Steel who was still on the Watchtower. While Batgirl and Robin was talking Superman through what the nature of the virus and how it spread, while Selina looked around the Batcave at the various trophies he had collected.

"Do we have any idea what is causing this to spread at this rate?" Batman asked.

"The Watchtower's internal sensors went out about an hour ago. Shortly after that the female league members began to exibit strange behaviour, they also changed into their new outfits." Steel Replied.

"Any idea how where this started."

"I was able to isolate the initial incident occured near the reactor room. I tried to get in their earlier but there were to many infected between me and it."

"Keep me updated on your progress. Atom what progress do we have with the other cases?"

"I was able to gain access to security of one of the people being infected."

The screen showed a woman witdrawing money from an ATM security camera. As the woman turned to leave a yellow and red blur came through the door, ran around the woman then left leaving her with a satisfied smile on her face.

"Send the Flash to intercept."

Some where in the state of Oclahoma

Flash was running as fast as he could according to Batmans breafing he had to stop the carriour of some plague from another world before them left the states. Bats said that the carriour was a speedster so he had to move fast, like he didn't know how to do that.

As he ran at the speed of sound he notices a yellow blur, propable the person Bats had told him to stop. Pooring on the speed he caught up with the culperate and was suprised at the person he saw. She was wearing a latex version of his costume with the colours reversed with high heeled boots.

"Ah. Who are you and what are you doing." The Flash said as he recovered from the initial shock.

" I'm Eleanor Thawne but my super name is Zoom I'm a huge fan. I was always a huge fan of the heroes of legend and I wanted to meet the Flash before the new world order occured." Zoom said with a smile on her face and a hungry look in her eyes.

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