
The Vixens manage to find something that fits them.

by Gorel
Storyline Vixen Gone Wild
Characters Vixen Power Girl
Category DC Growth Transformation Fat Chimeric
Previous Chapter It gets worse! They start laying eggs!

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Mr. Terrific shuffled his paperwork over the desk he sat behind, the window behind him had the Earth in view where the watchtower orbited over. It had been a week since the ‘Vixens’ started off as their own team after the… Incident so it was time to go over their evaluation. Looking up to the four women the black masked hero looked up at the giant women and smirked a bit at what he was looking at. Somehow in just over a week Vixen, Hawkgirl, Black Canary and Zatanna had nearly doubled in height and quadrupled in mass! Sitting shoulder to shoulder they made a wall that separated the relatively small human from the rest of his office room on the floating station. Obviously nothing they had fit anymore and the four ladies were forced to wear their own bed sheets like some sort of tie-over bikini. Even sitting on the floor after breaking the chairs the four women STILL loomed over the super genius at his desk. Still it did NOTHING to hide their four arms, tails, wings, fur and scales.

"So, what have you four been eating anyway? There’s no way you could get so big off of food alone, you’d have to eat your bodyweight each day... Oops." Accidently dropping his pen the man bent down to pick it up.

"BURP!" The metallic clank of a gold watch flew out of Zatanna’s mouth and hit the desk, the shiny thing was snatched up by the black haired Chimera woman before Mr. Terrific leaned back up. "Something happen?"


"Well then let’s get right to it then." Opening the files he began skimming through each one while the others watched on, their backs to the walls of the room and their tails thumping back and forth behind them in anxiety. "Well from what we’ve gone over since your departure to Manhattan crime has gone down more than 35% that’s quite good… Incidentally missing persons and disappearances have RISEN 35%."

Looking to each other knowingly the women looked away or tried to play innocent. "There is of course a 35% margin of error after all…"

"Will this take a while? We’ve got something going on back at our HQ."

"Yeah, it’s just something that’s hatching up any time now, you know how these things are." Getting a glare from the other Chimera women Mari blushed realizing she made an egg joke.

"Now, don’t put all your eggs in one basket, there’s plenty of heroes nearby to help." Oblivious to the pale looks the others had Mr. Terrific continued. "In fact Power Girl is in the same city as you all are… By the way we haven’t heard from her in a little while, wonder where she’s been."

Shrugging at the question the Vixens continued with their report.


"What do you MEAN I’m done eating!!!?"

Glaring at the trembling man that barely stood tall enough to come up to her creaking top Power Girl had both changed and grown significantly since she started eating 9 hours ago. Well over 10 feet tall and half that around her feet tapped heavily under her, her boots having burst off her clawed feet hours ago. Four hands resting on wide scaly hips where a heavy long tail flicked behind her. Had she been the size of a human she would have looked 300 pounds! At her current size… Much more so.

"We’re… Well we’re not telling you to leave, it’s just… Well you’ve been here for quite some time and you’re starting to scare off our other customers."

Looking over her shoulder and moving her new wings out of the way to see Karen watched as the rest of the patrons and staff ran out, snorting at the idea of leaving so soon she snapped back at the little man and glowered down at him. "But I’m still hungry, and your business said all you can eat!" Watching him run up to the cash register the terrified man approached her again with a handful of money, waving it up for her to see. "Looks like I was wrong then, here, here’s your money back."

A low growl filled the now empty buffet, the chimera woman’s stomach churning angrily for waiting so long to get something new to eat, and all because of this tiny little miscreant telling her she was done. Snatching up the small wad of bills she crammed them into mouth, chewing briefly and swallowing the paper cash. "Hun-gry!" Before the man could react four scaly arms reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders, lifting him up to eye level just long enough to see the blonde haired monster woman open her mouth impossibly wide before shoving him head first down her gullet. Ignoring his muffles pleads she forced him further down until he was swallowed whole, the only thing left of him a black leather shoe that popped off when she closed her pert lips.

"BUUUUUURP! Ah much better." Patting her solid dome of a stomach Karen smiled, licking her lips at the tasty morsel. But then her eyes became sharp and alert again, darting over and around the buffet and at the shoe laying by her feet. With her sense of control back and her appetite sated the Kryptonian woman realised what she had just done… And what she had turned into.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO ME?! I’ve got wings! And a fucking tail!!!"

Looking down at her bulking curves and size another thought came to mind, one that helped piece together what had happened to her and what let to this catastrophe.


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