
Was Amused. This was an interesting turn of events.

by C.King
Storyline Super-Sexdroid
Characters Catwoman
Category Marvel and DC
Previous Chapter ...a villainess.

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 Selina was amused at the moment, since she knew what Amazo and the Super-Adaptoid were, she could guess this was a female sexbot with the same powers. Which made it a powerful weapon... built likely for a sex toy. The humour in the idea was obvious. But now this powerful being was under Selina's control. Which was what made her amused at the moment.

 Selina didn't become Catwoman, the Princess of Burglers for the money. Hell, if she wanted the money she could just get more serious with Bruce. He would likely use his money to make her life very comfortable. No, she did it for the thrill. Amaza offer the potential for thrill. The idea of using her to steal the powers of the android to commit the theft of powers from heroes and villains, offer schemes which would give her a rush. Then there was the sex if this female android could copy appearance.

 But she had some questions, "What are your powers? Can you copy men as well as woman?"

 "Mistress, I am unable to copy men at this time. Duplicating the power of a shapeshifter will give me the power if I desire. Otherwise I am capable of only creating the form of what men I copied would look like as if they were born as women. Otherwise, I can copy the mental and physical aspects of any subject. I also lack creativity as a weakness. I also have in my database all known female celebrities from the most famous to those with only fifteen minutes of fame, as long as they have images to calculate online. I am currently in the form of model/actress Mary Jane Watson." spoke the android, obeying and trying to please her new mistress.


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