
He decides to...

by C.King
Storyline Master PC 2.9
Characters Spider-Man
Category Marvel and DC
Previous Chapter Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Mixed DC/Marvel world)

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 'Wonder what would be the best command to give and to who? What about a simple world wide command.... Something innocent and easy.' Peter thought as he decided on a little world wide command.

 He entered, "Everyone in the world wants to make Peter Parker/Spider-man happy because that will make them happy. Everyone in the world wants to make Peter Parker/Spider-man feel good because that will make them feel good."

 'What's the worse that could happen with that command?' thought Peter, before making a strong password to lock up the machine, figuring he just improved his life a tiny bit. He also uploaded a protected version of the program to his smartphone connected to his computer for updates on both ends.

 He didn't really think this through.

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