
Turner D Century awakens in this wonderful new world

by gothamalleyviper
Storyline The Light of Creation
Previous Chapter Turner D Century's changes to New York

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As the first hints of dawn creep into Turner’s bedroom window a noise woke him from his slumber.  A rather curious sight greeted him.  It was a girl pulled a cart into his room.  But what a girl! Looking at her up and down Turner decided she was five foot six barefoot but with the heels of her boots she was now close to six feet tall, her waist was tucked in sharply by the corset and as she turned around her spectacular bust while covered was put on display for all to see in her outfit… Her black heeled ankle boots were polished leather, her black latex thigh high stockings ended a hand below her panty and clipped into black garter bands, the sexually short skirt was black latex and held out by a bustle but only barely covered her crotch from above, a black rubber corset with a white panel in the front held her waist in and above that a skin tight blouse held her cleavage on display while hiding it and her arms encased in black rubber.

“Mister Century,” the woman said in a delicate accent that hinted of New York, “Your coffee sir.  And the morning editions for the Times and the Post.”

Turner watched as she placed the coffee cup on the night stand on a saucer as well as the two newspapers.  Turner went to take a sip and noticed there was no sugar in his coffee.

“There is no sugar…” His eye narrowed at the woman.

There was a look of horror across the young woman’s face. 

“Are you trying to upset me girl?” Turner sneared.

The young woman’s face went flush!

“Mister Century!  I am a modern woman! You insult me with such accusations!” she said sharply, “I insist you punish me at once!”

Turner was surprised as he watched the woman flop on to the bed across his lap and reach back pulled up the bustle micro skirt.

“As a servant of the house I must be spanked by the Master of the House!”

Turner smiled as he started swatting the black rubber bottom of the girl.  He noticed the tubes built into the bloomers allowing things to be inserted into the lady’s vaginal and anal cavities.  Turner gave five solid swats, for which she thanked him for each one and then dismissed her.

“What a fine world this is…” Turner murmured to himself as he went back to the coffee and papers.

He watched as his maid retreated.  He then opened the Post and noticed something odd… It was the Gotham Post with a headline about the “Bat-man and his circus boys defeating the Horrible Hate-filled Harlequins!”   

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