
The Fantasti-kids make their escape to the island.

by Gorel
Storyline Marvel Wendigos
Category Marvel M/F
Previous Chapter Jessica Drew felt She-Hulk's influence on her, and it left her a mess

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Looking over the files of the missing children and the activity of their parents Agent Gorel narrowed his eyes, the well-dressed agent was almost like the ‘man in black’ most conspiracy crack-pots would peg him as and wouldn’t be too far off. The man had been keeping tabs on all of those previously afflicted by the curse and their children the entire time! He didn’t believe in things wrapping up in a tight little bow like his superiors did, that’s why he kept an eye on them.

The door to his office swung open when an agent stepped inside with a file in his hand. "Agent Gorel, you know that super powered couple that got turned 15 years ago?"

Pointing accusingly at the man at the door the square jawed head agent glared at him. "Sir, you are an agent of a top brass intelligence and counter-terrorism division meant to deal with extra-ordinary threats… Never end a sentence with a preposition!"

"O…. Kay… Did you know of the… Couple whom were previously… Afflicted?"

"That’s better and yes, Mr. and Mrs. Richards." Taking the file in hand Agent Gorel skipped through the pages and winced. "Good GOD such wanton disregard for human decency, I’m surprised that man still has pelvic bones."

"Apparently he can stretch like rubber."

"That just makes it worse, this is getting out of hand, if we don’t find Miss Walters soon I’m afraid these poor souls will be lost in a drowning sea of nymphomania and blind personal gratification… What has this country come to?" Looking out the window from his office Agent Gorel stared out while the agent at his desk looked on uncomfortably. "What of their children are they still on watch?"

"Actually sir… I came to inform you of that as well…"


2 hours ago…

"Children? Where are heading out to this early in the day in the Fantasticar?" The ever present A.I. HERBIE asked innocently, catching the four children trying to sneaking into the hanger bay without being noticed.

"Uhm… We just wanted to head out and… Go sightseeing… Out of town, for a while."

"Yeah like… All day.

"Or longer!"

"I don’t think your parents would approve, I should contact them." In their parents room the bed continued to shake with Susan riding her husband like a bucking bronco, the two glistening with sweat and grimacing from hours of sex. Of on the wall a screen came to life with HERBIE’s icon showing at its center "Mrs. Susan, the children wish to leave for today, may they have the fantasti-"

"FUCK OFF HERBIE! We’re busy!" Quickly turning off the screen HERBIE looked to the four teenagers waiting patiently next to the flying vehicle. "Well… It would seem your parents are quite indisposed but… They weren't opposed to the idea."

"GREAT." Chimed in all four, jumping right into the seats and turning on the engines. "We’ll call you when we’re ready to head back." Opening the main hanger bay the Fantasticar hovered a foot off the ground before rocketing out of the Baxtor building and out of sight.

"Hmm, I should wait to see when they call back, maybe then their parents can tell me more about this island they put on the car’s co-ordinates." Keeping the directions saved in his memory banks the A.I. waited for Reed and Susan to finish… It would end up a long wait.

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