
The former Batman is brought to see Big Mama

by Shendude
Storyline Marvel/DC Jailbird Heroines!
Characters Batman Squirrel Girl
Category Marvel and DC F/F Gender Switch Transformation
Previous Chapter "...Bruce Wayne."

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The enormous woman who had once been a D-List heroine and now ruled this twisted prison looked the erstwhile Batman over and licked her lips lasciviously.

"You're a scrumptious morsel aren't you."

The now-female former hero rolled her eyes. "Look, if you're going to rape me, do it and get it over with. I've got things to do." Judging from the larger woman's posture and micro-expressions, she was reasonably certain she could get away with this insolence; Big Mama wanted something from her.

She was right; Big Mama guffawed.

"You may be a chick now, but you've still got balls. You also keep those famous detective skills?"

"I did. Why do you ask?"

Big Mama leaned forward and spoke conspiratorially. "Between you and me, I got a deal going with Reed Richards and the Big Brains to fix my baby's face," she caressed the mad-eyed, hideously-scarred, squirrel-tailed girl perched on her shoulder. "But I believe one of my girls is secretly working for someone else. I can't risk this traitor spoiling my deal, and I want you to sniff her out for me."

The one-time Dark Knight nodded. "And what's in it for me?"

Big Mama smiled. "One: I'll let it be known that you're under my protection for the next week; that should give you time to get settled. Two: I'll let you have one of my girls as your own personal bitch."

The woman who used to be Bruce Wayne thought for a moment, and then...

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