
Later that night She-Hulk has a nightmare.

by mercury01
Storyline Marvel Wendigos
Characters She-Hulk
Category Marvel Growth Pregnancy Transformation
Previous Chapter The next morning the children arrive on She-Hulk's island home.

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That night, Jen and her pack were sleeping, having fucked each other to exhaustion. They cuddled up in a warm jumble of fur and flesh. They had no need for fire, as their pelts kept them warm, and any dangerous animals avoided them, as if understanding the Wendigos' place on the food chain.

Jen muttered and twitched in her sleep, her fingers clutching at Sharon, who spooned against her...

"Miss Walters, do you have any evidence to present?"

"Yes, I-I- I mean, I seem to have misplaced it," Jen gulped, shuffling through her briefcase. She glanced up at the judge, who glared at her sternly. The phone rang. She picked it up.

"Jen? It's me, Wyatt," the voice said. "Where are you? I thought we were meeting for lunch! You said we were going to discuss our relationship..." Jen opened and closed her mouth, speechless. Sweat beaded on her forehead. Her Avengers commuincard beeped.

"Jen! Kang's attacking Chicago!" Iron Man's voice crackled. "We need She-Hulk!"


"Your honour, I'd like to have this case dismissed," the other lawyer stated haughtily. Jennifer looked over to see Titania, her old foe, sneering at her and dressed in a sharp two-piece suit. The redhead adjusted her lapels. "My opponent is clearly unfit for legal service. Just look at her. She's a barefoot and pregnant single mother."

Jen looked down and saw that she was wearing a long T-shirt and nothing else. Her belly stuck out like an oblong beach ball, stretching the fabric and obscuring the view of her feet. Everyone's eyes were on her. Her face flushed with humiliation... but another emotion was bubbling up through it: anger. Titania scoffed. "Why, she's not even fit to raise children--"

"Shut up."

"What did you say?" Titania sneered.

"I said..." Jen's voice came out in a feral growl. Her fist tightened around the phone, and it shattered like a cheap toy. She felt her pulse pounding and her body swelling. "SHUT... UP!"

She climbed up on the table and leapt at Titania, her gravid body bursting free of her shirt as muscle, bone and sinew surged. She roared in midair, teeth turning to carnivorous tusks, waves of ivory fur flowing out her skin, a tail snaking from her coccyx.

Jen collided with Titania like a ballistic missile, knocking the other woman into the jury, who scattered like pigeons as the jury box was demolished. Without thinking, Jen bit down on Titania's throat. The villainess's scream turned to a gurgle as Jen's jaws bit through her larynx with a shower of blood.

The former She-Hulk greedily feasted on Titania's flesh, tearing great chunks out and swallowing them down, relishing the sweet taste. She could feel her belly swell as her cubs grew, nourished on the meal. Jen grew as well, growing taller, gaining both muscle and fat as she gulped down each bloody mouthful.

"Order! Order!" The judge shouted, banging his gavel. Jen's eyes whipped towards him, pupils dilating and tail lashing. The noise the little creature was making bothered her. She sprung from Titania's half-eaten corpse, snatched the judge up and bit him in half, chewing up the meat, crushing the bones and gulping his carcass down, robes and all.

More prey were running around the confined space, and Jen swept them up one and two at a time, gorging herself on each little morsel, feeling the warm food feeding her litter. She swelled larger, until she could feel the ceiling of the place against her back.

She roared again and pushed backwards, her mighty sinews straining, until the brick and steel cracked, daylight seeping in. With a mighty push, Jen's broad, bulky, 70-foot high frame burst free of the roof, shaking the concrete dust from her mane. She climbed free and sniffed the air, swinging her horned head to smell a huge mass prey in a bowl-like structure nearby. She licked her lips and dashed to it on all fours, ignoring the wailing sounds little flashing bugs were making.

Jen climbed over the edge and saw rows and rows of creatures around a flat grassy square. Jen scooped up handfuls of the things with claws the size of farm plows. They wriggled and kicked but she sucked them down as if they were bugs. She climbed in and began licking them up as they scurried about, amused at the panicky bleats they were making. Jen groaned as she felt a shift in her belly.

The 200-foot tall behemoth fell to all fours on the grass and let out an ear-splitting roar as her water broke.

Jen woke up with a gasp.

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