
Sue is a Troll

by DeMonic
Storyline Marvel Hags & Trolls
Previous Chapter A face only a mother could love, a face only her child could adore...

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“No wait, you need to get the whole effect” rumbled the hulking figure, so saying she slipped off the blue robe she was wearing, which despite its tent-like dimensions had been straining to contain her mass, and negligently let it drop to the floor revealing that she was naked underneath.

“So what do you think” grunted the bear-like figure; before twirling, slightly awkwardly, in place as if she was showing off a new outfit.

Valeria was so shocked by what she was seeing, her brain fell back on hypercritical analysis of what was before her; the first oddity among many was that while her mother (it did have to be her mother, yes? Some strange woman hadn’t just managed to break in?) had actually GAINED height, she if anything looked sorter; this was due to the fact that she was MASSIVLY bottom heavy, her hips seeming wider than her shoulders (shoulders Val noted, that were now linebacker wide) her ass composed of two jutting gigantic hemispheres of jiggling fat, flowing into thighs like colossal ham hocks, complementing her substantial sagging gut to give her the ultimate in overactive pear-shapes; the sheer gravity of her lower half seemed to draw her figure in and down, making her seem massive yet stocky, despite the fact that she would in fact have towered by at least a foot over her previous self.

A pair of fat, sagging tits hung lopsided down onto her distended gut, while her arms were packed, indeed distorted, with hard muscle which in turn was sheathed in thick rubbery fat; planted atop this was the face of a Neanderthal thug.

A too strong jawbone jutted out aggressively; outsized, square ended, blocky and complemented by an equally prominent brow, with cheekbones so thick and heavy that combined it gave her face an almost skull like appearance. Left to centre of this craggy monstrosity of a visage, sitting like a toad in the middle of a midden, was a large, snout like nose over a pair of unnaturally wide, blubbery lips the yellowing almost tusk-like teeth of her lower jaw pushed out in a severe, and ragged, under-bite.

Her ears were both cauliflowerd, and what could be seen of the hair on top of her head, which had been reduced to sandpaper stubble, was black peppered with grey; as if to make up for the lack of hair on top of her head, the rest of her body was an hirsute panorama, starting with the thick shaggy unibrow that was almost a mirror for her daughters, to the pubescent moustache on her upper lip and wisps of wiry black her that lined her jaw.

In both armpits sat a hopelessly tangled wiry black thatch, dense and dark and literally overflowing, extending almost half way down her ribcage and out onto the underside of the upper arm; a dense patch of wiry black hair even rested between her pendulous breasts, and evident strands encircled her nipples. A treasure trail stated above her belly button and went down all the way into the thick jungle that her pubic hair had become; it seemingly envelope most of her lower stomach, threatening to spill over onto her hips and spread done her inside thigh, to merge with the thinner, but clearly visible dark hair that covered her legs, mirroring the hair on her forearms.

“What happened!?” Val blurted. Casually scooping up her robe before dropping it over the back of a chair, her mother turned away to tend something on the stove and negligently shrugged “Your farther needed a live test subject for the machine, and I volunteered...just as you intend...”

Val sputtered, but Sue casually waived away her daughter objections “Oh, don’t try that young lady. I may not be as smart as you, but I am far from stupid and have had more than my fair share of dealing with manipulative super-geniuses...I share a bed with your farther after all...you telling me about the dead end his research into “curing” you had inevitable run into...the way you told me...WHEN you told me...I am sure you could see the chain of events falling in your head like dominos to just the outcome you wanted...as real and predictable to you as...as well, cooking this food is for me...”

Turning back round, a plate piled high with thick slices of bacon in her thick fingered hand, Sue smirked to see her ugly, troll-like, hideously adorable little girl looking shamefacedly down at the floor, shifting from stubby toed foot to stubby toed foot in mortification.

“Honey, I don’t blame you” the hulking beast of a woman said as gently as the base rumble of her new voice would allow; setting down the plate on the already over loaded table she went over to her little girl and set her on her almost impossible wide hip before continuing “This needed doing, and you were lonely and desperately wanted someone who understood...I am happy to be that someone for you...but I’ve sent all the boys out for the rest of the day, so you and I can have a much needed talk...”

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