
Power Princess moves on to another hero

by Anzaleth
Storyline Power Princess
Characters Professor X
Category Marvel Gender Switch Transformation
Previous Chapter Dr. Strange

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“Noooo! Lemme go!” The former Dr. Strange sobbed as a goblin slung her over his shoulder and stalked-off. She beat her tiny hands and her sparkly bejewelled high heels against his body, but it didn’t make a difference.

“Fairy pretty,” the goblin cooed as he stroked the girl’s long bright pink pigtails. “King N’gayr be so pleased.”


The girl didn’t dare cast any more magic. All her spells just made her girlier. This was horrible!

* * *

Power Princess shrieked in sadistic delight as she watched the glittery “Stephy Fairy” be carted off for a “conference” with the goblin king. This was so much fun!

Now on to the next person....

* * *

Professor Charles Xavier was working in his office, marking papers. He wrinkled his brow. For some reason, he was having a hard time focusing. His mind was wandering, focusing on anything except what he was supposed to be doing.

He began to idly tap a Lady Gaga tune on the desk.

Lady Gaga? When did he listen to that?

Need to focus!

He tried to continue mark, but it was sooo dull.

He stared off into space, idly toying with a big curl of platinum hair.

“Omigawd! Like, what’s goin’ on?”

She leaped to her feet. “Omigawd, I can walk!” And grabbed a mirror.

A petite teen girl with platinum curls piled high on her cute head stared back at her.


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