
Sue failed to notice one of the pimps whores in the room pickup the wishing artifact and wish to be Sue's pimp as her first wish.

by crazysixjohn
Storyline Susan Storm's Secret Life
Characters Invisible Woman
Category Marvel
Previous Chapter (Whore)Magical wishing artifact.

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"Oh man, this is bad, i told that idiot he had to word that wish thing carefully." A slutty dressed women (named Sarah) said concerned. She was one of the pimps (Joe) whores (Though she likes to pride herself in the fact she avoided doing whoring for awhile now by doing the pimps taxes.) Though now the nice little racket is about to be ruined cause of Joe wishes.

Or perhaps not. Sarah noticed that Joe accidentally threw the wishing item away to try and pry the invisible ring. She reached her hand and grabbed it

"Hey who are you!" Susan demanded.

"Aggh!" Susan said as she was spotted she quickly gather her wits as she said "I wish i was susan storm Pimp." She closed hers, expecting the worse. When nothing happen she quickly open them to see Susan looking at completely apologetically.

"Oh i am so sorry! I didn't realize you were my pimp, did i frighten you." Susan said.

"Err.... no." Sarah stated

"Aggh. What happen.... and why does my throat hurt?" The pimp groaned. 

"One moment please." Susan said as she walked over and punched the pimp back into being unconscious.

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