
Several female heroes refuse to go along with Thanos' plan.

by MacroLass
Storyline Superia-ority Complex
Characters Moondragon Thanos
Previous Chapter Thanos starts gathering his forces...

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A dark haired cloaked beauty stepped the fore, Nightveil of the group FemForce.  "That can't be the only way to do this.  Zatanna's right, we can't just condemn our friends of years, sometimes decades to an eternity of sexual servitude!   Or if that's a little too 'human' for you," she added glaring at the bald mentalist and the craggy mastermind at the head of the room, "remember that we don't know how many people this Superia has 'infected'.  What if by the time we isolated all of these beings it turns out to be a majority of their female population?  We could effectively be killing off races if not entire civilizations!"

There was a murmur of assent from within the ranks.  "She's right!", the Phoenix aka Jean Grey shouted.  "I couldn't handle more deaths on my conscience...even if we call it 'exiling' them!"

"So thou wouldst condemn us all to slavery to keep thy hands lily white?", Amora sneered.  "Coward!  What would Scott Summers think of thee now?  Oh wait...he does not think of thee any longer...."

As arguments broke out all over the room, Moondragon looked to Thanos.  **I told you it wouldn't work...**

**Stupid self centered...**, the purple man fumed.  **It never ceases to amaze me how petty your people can be!  I need to make them understand!**

The bald woman smiled slightly.  **I *could* make them see reason, even work harmoniously together...**

**A dangerous game you would play, mind mistress,** Thanos mused.  **It sets a dangerous precedent to control our allies...it might weaken their wills against Superia's attempts to control them....**

**You know as well as I that these bitches can't resist an extra slice of cheesecake with dinner, not to mention a full out assault by Superia,** Moondragon sneered.  **They need to be leashed for our plan to work.**

In the palm of his hand, Thanos clenched the Mind Stone of the Infinity Gems.  It might well give Moondragon the edge she needed AND allow her to shield their pawns.  But could he trust her?

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