
Raven is cocooned quickly, almost like she wants to grow up fast.

by Gorel
Storyline Power Species
Characters Starfire
Category DC Transformation Growth Corruption
Previous Chapter Starfire and her brood make a new nest deep in the sewers.

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After Starfire's daughter was born her sons went to work building up their new home, going into a rut and spraying the walls and floors with cum again and again, the stuff hardening as the resin like substance fortified the walls. As they tore away the scraps of steel and ruined subway cars to make room Kori continued to nurse her new daughter, feeding her milk from her massive breasts as she laid on the stone tiled floor. In her arms she could feel her child grow rapidly, her arms and legs gaining definition as the tentacles on its head wrapped firmly around Koriand'rs arm. Starfire loved every bit of it, moaning and biting her lip as Raven nipped harder against her nipple pulling more milk from her.

By the end of the day Starfire giggled as her daughter pulled away and wandered around the new nest, her brothers sleeping in a pile as she found a spot and grew tentacles out of her body, the new limbs reaching up and anchoring her up onto the ceiling, where she enveloped into a chrysalis. Smiling up to her daughter Raven Starfire's stomach growled, making her giggle before rubbing it. Looking to her sons she knew they were now totally spent and wouldn't be good to feast from for at least a while. Shrugging her shoulders and making her plump breasts wobble Koriand'r decided to head out for something to eat, blowing her daughter a kiss before heading out and climbing up a man-hole.

Keeping out of sight as she flew low above the roofs of buildings and cars, following her nose for anything that would peak her interest. Then she found it! A familiar scent that made her eyes go wide and her mouth drool before she flew down at high speed for a factory at the edge of town. Landing at the slide up door where shipments were sent in and out Starfire had no patience to be cautious as she grabbed the thing with her clawed hands and tore an opening for herself, leaping straight inside as she stopped and basked at the sight.

There in front of her was the machinations of a mustard bottling factory, hundreds of boxes filled with hundreds of bottles worth of the sour ambrosia. Licking her fanged teeth she went right to it. Tearing open a box and snatching a single bottle, popping the top off and guzzling its contents down like water before tossing the empty bottle behind her and reaching for another. The entire night went on like this as empty bottles piled up behind her feet, as the hours passed the added mass started having an effect on her, rounding out her hips and rear as she had to re-position her feet from the slow growth. Rolling her shoulders she felt her breasts grow larger, her shoulders and back strengthening to compensate.


Three hours later Koriand'r tore her way back out, forcing the hole she made larger and wider to match her current size. Three hours and 300 pounds of mustard later Starfire stepped out of the factory, wiping the last bit of the yellow condiment off her lips before licking her hand clean. She was immense! Well past eight feet tall and nearly half a ton her figure had filled out into that of a fertility goddess, reaching back and combing her claws through her glowing tendrils. Stretching her thick limbs she sighed with joy before flying off back to the nest.

Sneaking through the water access pipe she crawled her way back to the nest under the city, squeezing her way through the double door entry and finding her boys still asleep and her daughter still gestating. It felt good to eat and drink to her heart's content, reveling in the flavors of her meal and being filled. Each step was like a heavy thud as she made her way around the nest, just before she stopped at the glass doors of a subway car her sons had cleared out of the way. She could see her reflection in them and liked what she saw, posing as she admired her size and shape. Yet something felt... Off.

Her body seemed so limited, restrained, she needed to change that. Looking at her reflection with concentration she watched as she willed her body to alter itself, squirming and arching her back as the flesh underneath began to alter itself. A second pair of arms grew out from her sides, fondling her breasts and thighs as she moaned from the sensation. As her clawed fingers traced over her erect nipples, new growth started forming under her hefty breasts, four newly developing breasts grew down under her original pair and nearly touched her naval, growing and filling with milk as her four hands interchanged between the six of her puffy nipples. Standing on her toes she moaned as her feet changed, her toes growing thicker and longer, her big toes traveling up her heel as the rest of her toes splayed out, now standing on the balls of her feet. Wiggling her hips she felt a tail grow out behind her, lengthening and fattening up with her mass until it was as long as she was tall, and larger around then either of her legs. "Yes... More..." The spines on her back began to soften, slithering around like the tentacles on her scalp as more started popping out of her back, growing out and spreading down to the very tip of her saurian tail until its tip was ended with three large tentacles, like that of a primitive claw.

Looking at her face she smiled at it before she willed it to change too. Her horns straightened out, lengthening out behind her like a gazelle's as her nose began to merge with her upper lip, her mouth broadening and pushing forward slightly, making her look more reptilian than ever. With the changes done she gave her new appearance a look over, smiling at the results as she leaned forward and kissed her reflection, her six massive breasts mashing against the glass and metal and dripping thick milk down its surface. "My my, Starfire's reflection looks so beautiful, so perfect..." She felt she had cast away with something that was holding her back. Now she was a living embodiment of pleasure and sensuality, every tentacles from her head and back could feel every change in the air, sensitive to everything around them. Turning sharply she sauntered back to the middle of the nest, falling to all sixes and curling herself around like a jungle cat with her daughter gestating above her. With the sea of tentacles lining from her head down to her tail she felt under the slop of the cocoon, anxiously waiting for her friend Raven to awaken.

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