
Curious, she decides to feed Artemis some milk.

by Gorel
Storyline Power Species
Characters Power Girl Wonder Woman Batwoman (Kate Kane)
Category DC M/F Alien Impregnation Transformation Corruption
Previous Chapter The Amazons hear the call from the forests, feeling afraid.

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Looking up from her prone spot on the grass against a tree Artemis sneered at what Diana had become as the moonlight better illuminated the area. No longer the tall statuesque beauty she once was, Wonder Woman stood over the head of the Amazonian guard as a tall curvaceous monster! Her skin green and translucent Artemis could swear she could see right into Diana's flesh, her hands and feet were barbed with sharp claws and spines lining her arms and legs, tendrils as long as her arm hung from her head like hair, slithering and coiling with a will of its own. Her once trim and athletic figure had given way to bountiful curves and soft padding that had given the former princess a full figure, her breasts still leaking rich milk even now.

All around her the brutes had their way with the Amazon warriors, their cries and moans drowned out by snarls and hisses, along with the wet slurping of their sharp erections pumping into them. Looking over her shoulder Diana smiled, closing her yellow reptilian eyes to breath in the smells as she looked right back at her prize. "I think I've found a suitable task for you Artemis, a punishment you may soon enjoy over time..." Stepping forward she grabbed onto the red haired woman's arm, hoisting her up with little difficulty as she spun her into a arm hold, her tendrils coiling over to tie her arms and pry her head up to see. "Watch Artemis, THIS is the future of the Amazons!"

Sated for now the mob of monsters pulled away from the group of warrior women, their moans filling the grotto as one by one they started screaming, pain rushing through them as their bellies began to expand. Growing as quickly as balloons inflating with air the prone Amazons cried out clutching their bellies as they looked four months pregnant and growing rapidly. Artemis looked on in horror as they reached full term, their wombs red and taut as they screamed louder, pain reaching new heights before they began to burst open.

Ceasing her struggles and shaking with shock Artemis looked on as her warriors died giving birth to a new crop of the demonic monsters her 'princess' had brought with her. "So I am to die like them? YOU will not have the satisfaction of me screaming like that!"

Licking the side of Artemis's face Diana purred with a wide smile before spinning the Amazon warrior around and forcing her hefty breast into her mouth, squeezing hard enough to fire a jet of milk straight into her throat. "No 'sister', you're going to live... In time you will appreciate this as a gift as I have." Letting her go as she pulled away, spitting and wiping her mouth, Artemis groaned clutching her sides before her flesh sprouted dozens of tentacles. The mess of limbs reaching up to pull the leader of the phalanx up into the trees and become wrapped up, going still when her chrysalis hardened along with the others she nestled up next to. With that bit done Diana sauntered up to the mewling newborns as she picked them up and lovingly licked them clean, all while her sons pulled away the bodies, licking their teeth at the new meals.


Looking up at the moon as it revealed itself from the clouds Batwoman jumped from rooftop to rooftop, having left Atlee's apartment through the window to find the missing heroine after her disappearance three days ago. Lately a lot of heroes have been strangely disappearing; Wonder Woman had gone on hiatus, no one's seen Martian Manhunter in a week, and Starfire had vanished without a trace.

Now Terra was missing...

Looming over a corner on an apartment roof Kate Kane sighed as she thought about Power Girl. "Heh... Those two were really close, I wonder how she's taking the news of Atlee being missing." Mulling the idea over in her head Batwoman came to a decision and jumped off, using a cable launcher to swing over to the next block and change her route. She was going to investigate the strange murders in the red district, but Karen Starr still needed to know her friend was missing.

After half an hour of running and jumping off rooftops Kane crawled down to the brick wall of the apartment building she knew Power girl lived in. Looking through the single window on the top floor apartment she found the place dark, so much so she couldn't make anything out. Biting her lip she knocked on the window sil, hoping that her super hearing could make it out so no one else would wake up.

"Karen? It's me Kate, I thought you should know but... Atlee disappeared a few days ago, the League's been searching for her but there's no trace of where she went, if you want to talk just let me in..." Waiting only a few seconds Kate smiled when she heard the latch to the double window open, just before a clawed hand grabbed her by the scruff of her costume and pulled her inside. Landing roughly Batwoman still couldn't see but she could make out large shapes surrounding her from all sides, and the SMELL! It was like she was in a two dollar brothel, the stench of cum and sweat all over before she felt a pair of strong hands grab onto her wrists and pin her down.

"Don't worry Kate, she didn't get far... And neither will you."

Gasping to call out Batwoman's cry was cut short when something fat and soft was shoved into her mouth, a splash of sweat warm liquid filling her mouth and forcing her to swallow just so she could breath. By the time it pulled away she tried to scream again but was overcome with nausea and dizziness, just before her flesh betrayed her and sprouted dozens of tentacles, latching her onto the ceiling and wrapping her into a cocoon.

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