
Meanwhile, the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants are attacking the X-Men

by Anzaleth
Storyline Avengers - 1965
Characters Avengers X-Men
Category Marvel Transformation Gender Switch
Previous Chapter Aftermath?

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Meanwhile, the X-Men were locked in combat with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.

-Be careful, my X-Men!- Professor X intoned in their brains. -Do not underestimate the threat you're facing!-

Cyclops' bolts and Iceman's ice glanced off Magneto's shield as the Angel avoided the Toad's bouncing blows and the Beast leaped towards the sneering Blob. Meanwhile. Marvel-Girl found everything around her had transformed into hissing snakes.

"I'm not afraid of your illusions, Mastermind," she said proudly. "And what's more, I--"

Then she blinked. What had she doing?

Jean lit a cigarette and rubbed her tangled hair, faded red streaked with gray. The Brotherhood vs. the X-Men. Jean Wyngarde, Mistress Mind, felt kinship for both teams. She almost felt like she'd been a member of both -- but she couldn't be an X-Men, could she? After all, they were students, teenagers, while she -- Jean rubbed her wane face and faded hair -- was obviously older. Still, she couldn't bare the thought of them getting hurt, especially that adorable Scott! A poor, nervous boy like him needed a mature woman of experience to teach him about life, and Jean would be happy to help. No matter what that interfering prude Xavier said. Just as soon as she stopped this senseless battle....

* * *

The American Enchantress smiled as she snuggled against Thor. Amora had been so excited to discover that Odin's own son had been similarly banished to Earth to learn humility. It meant they could be together without jealous people like that lout the Executioner or that cow Sif interfering.

Sure, Amora was a firm believer in open relationships -- think of all those WWII soldiers whose "moral" she'd raised while she taught Bucky about "the birds in the bees." But Amora also had always wanted Thor most of all. She couldn't wait to ride her stallion!

"Okay, we need to get moving!' Janet said, slamming her fast against the table. "If we don't get to Zemo, who knows what sort of shit he'll pull!"

Hankie giggled and blushed. Janet was so masterful!

Janet looked a little flushed too. Taking charge always did turn her on. 

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