
The Avengers and the villains try to figure-out what's going on

by Lissa
Storyline The Body-Melding Ray
Category Marvel Gender Switch Transformation
Previous Chapter One of the supervillains wants to get their hands on the Melding Ray

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As the Scarlet Claw looked for the raven-haired muscular supervillainess Lascivious (the former Titania) she couldn't help but smirk. Either she'd find her, or Captain America again, either way she'd win.

Down in the melee, the Scarlet Witch barely deflected an energy blast from Electro, then made a series of vines controlled by the Plantman go haywire and wrap the weed-based villain up instead. Running over to help the Vision by blasting Whirlwind off him with a hex, she aided her ex-husband up.

"What's going on here?" Wanda clipped.

"Uncertain" the Vision mused. "Someone must be inciting these villains to rampage for some unknown reason."

"Look! Is that Jennifer?" Wanda pointed.

Ahead of them, Blackfin was smashing Wonder Man into a building. The newly created villainess had a more blueish tint to her green skin than She-Hulk had had (due to Tiger Shark's unstable mutant nature) and her leotard was tighter, with a deeper v-neck and lightning bolt patterns down the side. Her face resembled She-Hulk's but was more lean, with her wicked pointed teeth showing up when she smiled, and her mass of hair concealed under her shark-fin hood. She wore thigh-high boots with no feet and elbow-length black gloves, both with the yellow lightning bolt motif. Her feet and hands were bare to aid in swimming. And she seemed to be enjoying herself immensely.

"COME GET SOME, SURFACE FILTH!" she cackled as she punched Wonder Man square in the jaw, then lobbed a patch of intense darkness created by her darkforce into his eyes.

"I do not think so." Vision mused, phasing out briefly to let a flying supervillain careen through him. "She appears to be our comrade with traits of some supervillains, or possibly a combination thereof."

"But... how?" Scarlet Witch blinked.

"I can only conclude that some unknown force is at work. Observe!" Vision pointed up.

Shieldmaiden flew through the air above them, or possibly just leaped. The muscle-bound blonde looked like a fictitious aryan ideal woman, a statuesque blonde with steely blue eyes, large breasts and very strong without becoming grotesquely bulky. Her bosom was only barely contained in a pair of metal spheres, and similar metal circles adorned her costume belly, similar to those of Thor's. Her head had an open-backed helmet allowing her long blonde locks to hang loose, but a pair of massive curved horns in front. Her leotard ended in a loincloth, and she wore thick leather boots and a set of chainmail armor underneath her clothes. Landing in the melee she quickly set about busting heads with little concern for whom.

"And that one... resembles Thor." Scarlet Witch trailed off. Vision was already scanning the surroundings for signs of oddities.

Meanwhile, someone else HAD been paying attention. The Shocker, having disengaged from the general melee, had been trailing where he had seen the odd energy blast that fused Ms Marvel and Taskmaster together. He was now inside the building, scaling it to come up on the Scarlet Claw's position from within. While the archvillian was cloaked from visual detection, Shocker's odd technology allowed him to "see" vibrations, and he could now clearly make out the Claw's form on the ledge. She had apparently not seen him.


Meanwhile, as Jan made her move on Emma, the claxons of the X-mansions began howling.

"Attention" came Cyclops' voice. "Numerous supervillain attacks all over New York city. The Avengers, Fantastic Four and Defenders are all under attack. We need to do something or this violence will engulf us all."

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