
Ivan orders Diana to go back to Jake

by CorruptionCentral
Storyline Wonder woman's hooker adventure
Previous Chapter Lois Lane See Wonder Woman and get caught...

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Diana's clenched fists shook with rage as she did her best to rein in her frustrations and not smash the source of her ire.  Through clenched teeth she cursed "God *Fuckin* DAMN IT! I wait my *Whole* life to see what my true hearts desire is.  I finally embrace it and its so much better than I ever could have known. I start a new life in the one place where no one's seen a cop or been arrested for *20* years so there's *no* fuckin way anyone would *ever* try to drag me back to that old *suck hole* life, and who shows up?  Lois *fuckin* Lane... Ace Douchbag, Superman's bitch, and the only reporter on planet earth that knew me personally.  Ya couldn't even give me *one day* of happiness could ya Lois???"

Ivan put a gentle hand on her shoulder and softly said "Do not let this trash rile you so, my Lady Obsession.  She is not worth it.  This night you have impressed the Lucifer's Legion greatly, but not near so much as you have with Ivan.  You are little sister to our men and we take care of our own.  This I swear to you, this woman nor her 'hero' lover shall ever harm you!  You will not see her again and we will ensure that this place will not be suspected in any investigation. This we do for you, but this is also is our great pleasure to do to *her*!  Go to your pimp.  You have done well this night and you deserve your joy.  Ivan will fix this!"  As Diana began to feel her calm returning, the large biker swept her into a bear hug and rumbled "You must trust in Ivan. Leave this to me and forget all about it. All will be well."

As she warmly hugged the muscular man back she could feel her wonderfully nasty delight return.   This had been the best night of her life and she wasn't going to let that twat ruin it!  With Ivan taking care of it, this might be for the best.  After all, if she haven't seen Lois and the reporter called Clark, then half the superheroes and the Amazon nation would be combing this place by sunrise! No, fate was with her and things are working out perfect.  As the burly biker eased up his grip on the slutty whore, it was the wickedly smiling face of Lady Obsession he was use to looking back.  Diana grabbed his head and dragged him into a fiery kiss before she leaned back and sighed "I don't know what I did to deserve a friend like you, Ivan, but you're the fuckin *best*!"

As she happily gathered her purse and bag of gifts, Ivan laughed "This I know.  Be well, my Lady.  We will see you soon... And often!"  As Lady Obsession lit another smoke and happily sashayed her way back to Jake's van, Ivan punched up a code on his encrypted walkie talkie and growled "Leon.  Please to bring me my 'special kit'. We are to visit a friend in Blüdhaven.  Also, have Snake contact his hacker friends.  We need to cover some tracks as we make a persistent pain in the ass go away."  Ivan leaned over Lois and cooed "Your days causing troubles are over now bitch but you can thank the gratuitous Lady you are not already dead, although you might still wish for it soon.  In my little 'special kit' I have saved a treat just for you.  Once I shoot it in your neck, it will make you most suggestive for many hours.  As I drive you to your new home, you will listen to a tape that will help you understand your new life as the slut of a very nasty pimp! He will still have to break you.  I would not take that fun from him, but you will be in for surprises when you resist or think of escape. You see, you will not make the good Lady change her ways. It will be *you* who accept *her* ways.  Also, this drug has an effect most unfortunate on memory.  It will slowly erase every memory from the moment of injection all the way back to your very first thought.  By the time we get to your new home, you will have no memory of seeing my Lady, or coming here, or the last week for that matter.  In a few weeks, your life on the street with your very stern pimp will be the only one you know."

Soon Leon showed up with the kit.  As Leon taped earbuds and an iPod in place, Ivan prepared a large syringe with a blue liquid.  As he inject the drug into the sleeping reporters neck he growled "Too late for you now, nosy bitch.  Your life is over and now starts your new life!" With that he turned on the iPod and hoisted Lois over his shoulder.

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