
Wonder Woman instinctively sniffs Circe's panties to pick up her scent

by Alicyn
Storyline All Hail Empress...
Characters Wonder Woman
Category DC Transformation Mind Control
Previous Chapter Wonder Woman drinks the Green liquid

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Wonder Woman crawled over toward the panties as a brilliant idea came to her. She could get Circe's scent from the discarded clothing, and then track her through the palace. It didn't occur to her that she'd never tried to track anyone by scent before.

Halfway to the panties, she stopped and started scratching herself with both hands. She was suddenly itching all over, but particularly where her uniform was. It wasn't just distracting, it was debilitating. She could almost think of nothing else except getting out of those clothes.

It wasn't easy. Her fingers were so clumsy as she worked at the zipper. But soon she had the main part of the costume off, then her underwear and boots joined it on the floor, leaving her naked except for her bracers, tiara, and earrings. The itching got to tolerable levels as black fur sprouted over most of her body, leaving her face, chest, and torso uncovered.

Princess Diana went back to her task, almost single-mindedly focusing on the panties. She just had to smell them so that she could... could... she couldn't quite remember. But it was important. She was so focussed that she didn't notice her hands and feet reshaping into paws, or her legs shrinking to the length of her arms, or the tail growing from the base of her spine.

She finally made it to the panties and stuck her nose into them. Sniff, sniff. The smell was... was divine! Oh, wow, did that smell good. She could follow Cir... C... 

Princess could follow Mistress anywhere! She was so smart. She wagged her tail, continuing to breathe in the intoxicating scent of her Mistress, not noticing four new breasts growing beneath the original pair, taking on the same size and shape, just barely keeping her belly button exposed under the lowest pair.

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