
The roly-poly broodlings grow fast and appear intelligent like their parents.

by Gorel
Storyline Fantastic Four: Strange Appetites
Characters Fantastic Four
Category Marvel
Previous Chapter Susan gasps as she starts birthing roly-poly children.

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Returning to the containment cell with the two scientists in tow, Nick Fury had already made plans for the group of monsters SHIELD had successfully contained. “The island is only a few more minutes away, I intend to leave them there until we have a better idea on what to do with them.”


“I COULD study them sir, that’s essentially what we do here, study and play foosball when we’re not on the clock.”


“Indeed, Director Fury, there is quite a bit we can learn from their mutations… At your command I COULD autopsy the dumb one to learn more.”


Giving the two women a dirty look, Director Fury shook his head at why they were hired on the research team in the first place. Stepping through the automatic doors to the observation room where two SHIELD agents kept watch, the director looked to them both when they stood and saluted.


“At ease gents, so tell me what the Fantastic Four have been doing since my departure.”


Both agents looked to each other with unease before slowly sitting back down to their posts. “Well… We were gonna feed them.” Opening the view screen, the group looked on to find the Fantastic Four, their two kids, the two She-Hulks and the Thing’s blind girlfriend… Along with fifteen other creatures sharing space with them. Unlike the original nine creatures, the new additions were small by comparison; just barely coming up to their knees. A slot on the wall opened to let a bundle roll out onto the ground where Susan Storm picked it up with one of her many claws and glower at the window where the two agents could be seen. “Horse feed? Really?!”


Pressing a button at the desk to activate the speaker, the one SHIELD agent spoke through the microphone. “Well you’re not exactly human right, now aren’t you?... Besides I hear grains are good for weight loss.”


Rolling her eyes, Susan turned to the smaller creatures in the cell with them and pinched off a small sample of the food they were given. “Okay, who wants breakfast?” Upon that the fifteen younglings hopped on their feet reaching for the small bundle.


“I do.”

“I do!”

“Me first.”

“No me!”

“I have a gluten allergy!”

“Is it strawberry flavoured?”


Raising his hands in confusing, Nick Fury said the only reasonable thing he could think of in witnessing what was going on in front of him. “DAFUQ?!


“Curious… Might I ask how THEY entered the cell?” Asked the stoic scientist to Fury’s left, tilting her glasses. Both agents looked to each other and handed her a recording that read ‘Monster on Monster action XXX’ before one of the agents shuddered at the memory.


“Wow! Hornier than a pack of lab mice with an appetite to boot, I can only imagine the ‘research’ I can do with the new subjects.” Grinned the scientist to Fury’s right, rubbing her hands together.


“Ah Director Fury.” Smiled Reed Richards before bending at the knee to look straight into the observation window. “As you may have noticed we seem to have… Well… Had some children.”


“Seems to me you’re turning my ship into a kennel for freaks!” Fumed the director.


“Well that couldn’t be helped, it would seem this form has some rather demanding appetites.” Mr. Fantastic explained while still speaking. “Not only can we process any form of matter as fuel but it would seem that our off spring appear to have a kind of genetic memory; rather intriguing really, they remember everything WE did up to the time of their conception.”


Still confused, Nick Fury looked to the group of younger monsters nibbling on the offered food when one of them looked to Fury and made a serious look on its face while pointed at its horned head. “In a right triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.”


Looking back at the towering bulk of Reed Richards, Nick Fury huffed. “I think that one’s yours…”


Repositioning her glasses again, the stern scientist looked to the hulking four-armed armadillo monster on the other side of the glass and read off her report page. “In case you are wondering Doctor Richards, we have the stone under containment and study, in that time it has been decided that you will be dropped off at Monster Island until we can determine a means of returning you to normal.”




“Are you shitting me?!”


“Not that place again!”


Leaning towards Ben with confusion, Alicia whispered. “Where are we going again?”


“I DO protest Director Fury, with my self control returned I could be a true benefit to researching the stone and finding a solution to our predicament.”


“Buh-buh-buh-BULLSHIT!” Accused the second scientist, pointing at Richards. “You’re too big to even take notes AND you turned your cell into a brothel into an hour after arriving!”


“Well… That’s a bit of a complication, but we’re better now.”


Waving her clipboard in front of the annoyed Reed Richards, she continued. “A person that’s bigger than a house, eats cars and can’t pick up a clip board is a poor scientist indeed!


“Well THAT’s just uncalled for.”


“THAT’S IT!” Bellowed Fury, tossing paper work in a fit of rage. “I’M TIRED OF THESE MUTHERFUCKING MONSTERS ON MY MUTHERFUCKING SHIP!!!”


Slapping his fist against a button at the consul, the glass visor slammed shut. Standing back up to his full height and scratching his head, Reed Richards looked to the others with a shrug of his shoulders before an alarm went off with flashing lights overhead. ~Now hear this, now hear this, we are arriving at Monster Island, releasing cargo now~


Still hearing the alarm, one of the younger creatures looked up to the others. “Do you think that means we’re there?”


Outside their cell, the Helicarrier flew over the mountainous region of Monster island before literally ejecting the cell containing the monsters and dropping them on the sandy beach of the island before flying off without even slowing down. When one of the walls of the cell popped open and yawned open for the group of monsters to step out.


“Well, THIS sucks!” complained She-Hulk, tossing her hair over her shoulder when she and the others stepped out onto the island. “Thanks again Reed, the next time you decide to bring a memento back from another dimension, punch yourself!”


“Well, this can still be fixed, I’m sure if we tighten our belts and try to keep ourselves under control we can revert back to normal, especially since we’re no longer under the stone’s influence.” Declared Mr. Fantastic rubbing all four of his claws together.


“I love your optimism honey but let’s not forget that SHIELD just dropped us off in the middle of nowhere to get rid of us.”


“Don’t worry Susan, in a week I think we’ll surprise everyone with our progress when they decide to come back to check on us.”

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