
Hill gets in contact with someone.

by misbegotten2
Storyline Bimbotech
Characters Maria Hill Ms. Marvel
Previous Chapter Meanwhile, back with Maria Hill and the Black Widow.

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This was bad-Very fucking bad Maria Hill thought as she pulled the van into a sharp turn around a corner into an alley.  Her mind raced a thousand miles a minute going over strategy and contingencies.  What went wrong?  We’re we made?  Betrayed?  What the hell was going on in there?  Fake boobs?

Hill slammed on the breaks and pulled the steering wheel hard to the right. The van turned and skidded, its tires screeching loudly in protest against the asphalt of the alley.  Then inches from the side of a nearby office building it came to a complete stop, perfectly parallel parked along the side.

Maria turned the keys and switched the van office.  She rested her forehead against the steering wheel, allowing its cool rubber surface to soothe her nerves.  Never should’ve brought Potts in on this.  Stark is going to kill me.

“Fuck it” Maria said aloud, “Let’s bring in the big guns.”

She pulled out her phone and dialed.  Hope she’s not in outer space or something.  The phone rang longer than Maria Hill would’ve cared for before the line was picked up and a clip, professional voice answered.

“This is Danvers. Go”

“It’s Agent Hill.  Listen carefully….

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