
Meanwhile, The Mad Hatter is mulling over The Toyman's proposition

by ESchorcho
Storyline The Mannequin
Characters Mad Hatter Batman Harley Quinn Catwoman Poison Ivy
Category DC Corruption Transformation M/F
Previous Chapter They plan to kidnap Jimmy Olsen

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Meanwhile, at Stately Tetch Manor...

The Mad Hatter walked briskly through the immense mansion, humming 'White Rabbit' to himself.  He was late, late, late for a very important date, but he was the master of the house now.  However, it wasn't like the majority of his harem of lovelies were going anywhere.  Not that they could, even if they wanted to, Hatter thought to himself and smiled a wide, warped grin.  Still, the conversation with his old friend, The Toyman, was still rattling around in his warped brain and he couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities of making his mannequins mobile.

He glanced down at his feet and saw the black and white square tiles that now decorated the floor of his new home.  He loved how it resembled a chess board.  Everything in the newly-dubbed Tetch Manor belonged to him and he had remade everything in it in his own Lewis Carroll inspired-image.  Everything in Tetch Manor belonged to him, and it was all due to that fateful encounter at the Gotham City mall with the once fearsome Batman.  He and his old pal, Winslow, had engaged The Dark Knight in their twisted little game, and to the Hatter's shock, things had turned out better than he could have ever imagined.  He still couldn't believe that the dreaded Caped Crusader had always been billionaire playboy, Bruce Wayne.  Furthermore, who could have ever believed that he had taken Gotham's greatest hero, the city's protector, and turned him away from his life of selfless heroics and forever into a feminized motionless mannequin that only had eyes for him?

He would still laugh to himself when he remembered his original plans for the mannequin-ized hero.  In the event that his little game had been a success, and really, was there any question of it ever being a failure?, he thought to himself with a chuckle.  Anyway, in the eventuality that his little game was a success, The Mad Hatter was going to take the poor, gender-confused creature and either put him on display in a department store window for the rest of time or shut him away forever in a closet to be forgotten about.  That had been before the one-time feared Dark Knight had become a giddy, giggly girly mannequin that had completely surrendered to not just his feminization and lack of mobility, but to The Mad Hatter himself!  She didn't just surrender to him, though.  The new creature that had arisen from the ashes of Bruce Wayne, The Batman, named simply Batsy, absolutely worshipped The Mad Hatter.  He grinned his warped smile when he had to admit to himself that he too had fallen head over heels for the new plasticine creature.  He burst out in a fit of maniacal laughter that he had finally found the women of his dreams in this twisted and transformed version of his old foe.

Life was just a wonderland of surprises sometimes!

Turning a corner, he continued his walk that would eventually take him to the Ball Room that Duchess had set up for yet another of Princess Batsy's mad tea parties.  He had always wanted an 'Alice' to call his own, and for it to be the former Batman was almost too much for the deranged villain.  He, along with his ever loyal gal pal, Duchess, the former Harley Quinn, had taken the poor, broken hero-turned girly mannequin and used the sliver of madness that already had resided in Bruce Wayne's psyche and exploited it.  Exploiting it was putting it mildly.  The Hatter and the crazed former psychologist waged a one-sided battle on the crumbling defenses of what was left of Bruce Wayne's mind, and before long, had reduced the fallen hero to something giggly and girlish.  Whatever the feminized former hero would have become in her new life as a mannequin, nobody would ever know.  Batsy had fallen prey almost instantly to Hatter and Duchess' mad influence.  Not only did Batsy almost instantly see her Mad Hatter as the epitome of a handsome, charming prince of a man, but also Duchess as her mature, sexy role model and bestest friend in the whole world.  She trusted them in all things, and soon, whatever morals the immature princess mannequin had left were slowly eroded away into nothing.  With it, the being that used to be Gotham's Dark Knight's loose grip on her sanity, having gone through her transformation, had also been shattered.  Princess Batsy now willfully joined The Mad Hatter down the rabbit hole of insanity, and she absolutely loved it!  Despite her motionless state, she had become one of them.  A completely mad, willing participant in each and every one of The Mad Hatter's villainous schemes.  Just the thought of her high-pitched mad lighter at his every brilliant idea caused Hatter's cock to stir in his trousers."

"Yessssss," The Hatter mused to himself, passing a pair of masculine-looking mannequins.  The first was a mannequin with deep red hair and pale green skin that was wearing what appeared to be a Robin Hood-like ensemble, while the other was a larger, beastly-looking mannequin.  He almost resembled a lion standing upright on its hind legs.  The lion-like creature wore a long blue coat withe regal silver designs etched throughout its collar.  The Hatter nodded his head to acknowledge the pair that used to be Poison Ivey and Catwoman.  They called out "Master!" in reverent tones, and the Hatter whispered, finishing his thought from before, "We're all mad here."

Passing the two stagnant former villains, the Hatter thought of how generous his Batsy was to give the feminized rogues that populated his mansion some strong male figures to have relationships with.  Thinking of his fellow villains, now his mannequin subjects, caused The Toyman's proposition to rattle around once more in his fiendish mind.  What if he made the motionless mannequins the freedom of movement?  Would they turn on him, or...

"To have my mannequin friends and especially my pretty, pretty, pretty petite Princess be given the ability to move?  Why, you'd almost have to be mad as a Hatter to dream up something like that!" he murmured to himself.

Yet, he knew that each and every one of his new pawns had always looked down on him in their time as living, breathing villains.  Would they stay loyal or would they revolt?  Then there was the issue with his pretty, pretty princess.  Batsy was now a complete and total zealot of her motionless lifestyle, and would proclaim raucous and regularly in her sweet, high-pitched voice how amazing it was to be a mannequin.  The little creature had been completely broken, it seemed, by her old life, having witnessed his parents' murder and The Batman's constant nightly vigil over Gotham as the World's Greatest Detective.  All that heartbreak and responsibility.  It seemed like it was too much.  It was no surprise that Princess Batsy now found such joy relying on others in absolutely every aspect of her new, blissful life.

"I will definitely have to run that by Duchess," The Hatter said to himself.  In all of his time thinking over the last month or so, he hadn't realized he had come to the large double doors of the Tetch Manor.  He had nearly slammed into them, before stopping suddenly.  He grinned his wide, toothy smile and straightened his coat, fixed his hat and made sure he was presentable for the gathered gaggle of lovelies inside.  The Hatter knew deep down that Princess Batsy would adore him no matter how he looked, but still, he felt the need to impress her.  Tipping his top hat to one side, he threw the double doors open to reveal himself.

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