
She-Hulk and Carol have already formed a group of cured Hulks, and they discuss what they should do next

by Gorel
Storyline She-Hulk: Going Native.
Characters She-Hulk Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Category Marvel Muscle Growth Rapid Pregnancy
Previous Chapter Spider-Hulk adds Silk and She-Spider to his harem.

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Back in what was left of the café, Jennifer Walters stood with a hand at her wide hip and another rubbing the underside of her massive womb. After a few hours and a couple containers worth of coffee mix, she had successfully sobered up over 50 people who had been turned into Hulks, including Mrs. Marvel who stood nearby, cradling her own expanding belly.


“OK everyone, we all know the plan, right?” One of the hulks raised his hand, prompting Jen to roll her eyes and sigh. “Yes?”


“I wasn’t paying attention… Was kinda distracted with the gun show!” Chuckled the one Hulk with a pony tail and table cloth wrapped around his waist, flexing his powerful arm with a smirk.


Stomping towards the lone Hulk, Jennifer Walters stood close until her belly pressed up against his nose. Forcing the green skinned man to look up at the frowning giantess. “The PLAN is to head out into the city and brew enough coffee to bring everyone out of this rampage.”


“The one you started, right?”


Glaring down at the ponytailed hulk, she slowly spun him around and directed him towards the city dock works. “Do you see that thing up in the air waaaay out over the horizon?” She asked, pointing out towards the sea in a venomous, sing-song voice.




“THAT is the SHIELD helicarrier, the same SHIELD helicarrier that has hundreds of ‘shoot first and never ask questions’ special agents with hulk buster gear… As in they can bust a hulk!” Still pointing towards the floating battleship with a playful spin of her finger, Jen continued. “But you know what’s scarier than a hulk? Or worse yet an invasion of thousands of Hulks?”




“It’s a trigger-happy SHIELD operative (who wears an eye patch) with missile code clearance, and if he finds out the city has become a hulked-out shit-storm, then he’s gonna call down a tactical nuke and turn this city to molten glass!”


Suddenly the group of Hulk people shivered at that prospect, including the one Jen was holding by his pony tail and slowly turning him back around and up to look at her frowning face. “So, WE are gonna put a stop to this royal fuck up before they decide to do that… M’kay?”


Nodding furiously, he ran off with the others who scattered out towards the rest of the city, some running with all their might while others leapt high into the air to land elsewhere far away. Turning around and scratching her hair, Jen huffed and leaned against the wall with Carol, wincing when her mass caused it to crack and heave backwards. “They don’t know they can probably survive a nuke, do they?”


“Pff, NO!” Rubbing her hands over her belly to calm the storm of kicks, Jen picked up a putcher of coffee and sipped from it. “But at least its good motivation, if we can salvage this before they decide to act then MAYBE I can get out of this with just a strict warning and house arrest… Provided my apartment hasn’t been gutted and stripped down by now.”


“Speaking of which.” Pointed the blue skinned giantess, poking Jen’s massive thigh and hip with her finger. “What the hell did you eat? You’re huge, and not just tall either.” She was a little envious since only half a day ago they were roughly the same size. “Was it a car or something?”


“It was a Volkswagen…”


Blinking at the answer, Carol pieced it together when she started remembering that she and the others had started eating rocks back on the island when they ran out of proper food. “It’s a good thing I stopped after I had this cup of Joe too, otherwise I’d be some massive, knocked up giant! Heck I already am.”


Seeing her friend troubled, Carol looked out onto the ruined street and moved off the wall towards what looked like destroyed Vespa still chained to a light post. Hefting the thing up easily she took a bite out of the front wheel, tearing into the aluminum and rubber like it was a sandwich. Watching on, Jen saw Carol chew and eat until the bike was completely eaten, followed by the light post and then moving on towards a mail box. With over 300 pounds of metal churning away inside of her, Carol’s new metabolism worked overtime. Pausing in between bites she winced when she felt her hips grow wider, her ass filling out while she grew taller and wider. Her top strained and creaked when her tits ballooned larger, with milk staining and dribbling down over her swollen womb. When she was done she held back a burp before stomping back to lean next to the surprised She-Hulk.


“Well… If your gonna be a knocked-up giantess with huge tits and a fat ass, you might as well have some company.” Giving the green woman a warm smile, she hip bumped her friend playfully and watched the fifty or so Hulks go about trying to bring coffee to everyone.

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